Chapter Eighteen: That moment your entire world is ripped away from you.

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Well, guys were getting close to the end. Probably 4, 5, or 6 chapters left. It's been a very long ride, an emotional one. I'm so glad all of you newcomers have liked the story and voted and everything. And of course all of you guys who have been with my story since the very beginning, thank you so much. Well without further a do, here goes chapter eighteen. :-)

OK, well guys here after a very belated wait here goes Chapter 18. After this some of you might cry and some might not even care. And some of you might hate Liam with a burning passion and might be really confused with Allen. Or some of you might feel sympathetic for Liam and just don't know what to do with Allen. But hopefully you guys don't hate Liza either. Well anyways, tell me what you think and vote and comment and all the usual. Picture of the beautiful Megan Fox aka Alexia James to the left.

Enjoy sweetfaces!! xoxo Mone aka NeverEver



I couldn't believe that Lacey was gone. Like seriously gone. Even though Lacey and I hadn't always gotten along that entire well, I still did care for her a lot. When we were younger I didn’t particularly care for Lacey. But as we got older, my feelings changed. And now that Lacey was gone, I couldn't really and completely tell her how I felt. Just at the thought of the way I was going too, made me think 'bout something else.

I pulled out a box that was in my pocket. I opened it and stared at the engagement ring sitting inside of the navy blue velvet ring box. See? I wasn't as heartless as everyone thought. I had a heart and now that the girl I truly love was gone I couldn’t do that. I gripped the ring tightly in my hand and chucked it across the room. It slammed into the wall near the door. Allen walked in staring at the stubborn ass ring that didn’t break like I wanted it too. He picked it up, looking at it more closely and then stared at me dumb founded.

"Dude, I had no idea that," he paused and then continued, "you were going to propose to her. Why didn’t you tell me?"

"Why should've I? Not like it would have made much of a difference. She still would be dead." I said bitterly.

"Maybe.... when were you planning on popping the question? I mean how were you planning on asking her? Anything special?"

"That is none of your business Allen, since your bitchy ass ex-girlfriend was the one to kill her.” I sneered into his face. He pushed me away, getting just as angry.

“Let’s start with one this bitchy ass ex-girlfriend was also Lacey’s ex-best friend. So before you go judging me on I used to hang out with before this whole thing happened. I would first look at Lacey and then look at your own self. Because for one, she was your blood relative. Your twin sister to be exact. So don’t go judging me you asshole.”

I shook my head and got up to apologize. “Allen I’m—“ He put his hand up, stopping me,

“Save it,” he said, leaving the room and slamming the door on the way out.

“Damn it,” I said out loud. I looked at the ring and then at the picture on the bed side table of Lacey and me. I picked it up and smiled at the memory. It was when we went to Cancun for a deal and Libson gave us the day to do what we wanted. I took her on our first official date and we went skinny dipping that day. It was one of our good memories. “Lacey, lace,” I sighed and tried again. “Babe, how did we get to this place, to this part in our lives? Or should I say, how did I get to this place without you? I miss you so much Lacey. God I wish you were here right now. ‘Cause I would have asked Libson for a mini break this weekend. We would have been flying to Paris right now and would be headed to the Eiffel Tower that night after a very romantic dinner and a night of dancing. Wow, I’m pretty sure if you were here you would say I’m a romantic sap. Although you would probably use a different word than sap.” I take a breather and pick up the ring placing it back in the box. I pace around the room for a few and then get down on one knee and look up at where someone would be if they were standing in front of me.

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