Chapter Eleven: Accepting Death

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And here goes the infamous Chapter Eleven!! Enjoy!



Alexia straightened up and stopped her drunken façade. We stared daggers at them all, not backing down or acting intimidated.

“Alexia, Liza, I’m sorry to have to do this but,” Allen said and lifted his gun in the direction of my heart. He put a hand behind his back and then lifted a similar gun in the direction of Alexia’s heart.

What did I tell you before? My voice asked in an ‘I-told-you-so’ tone.

Don’t complain when I die. I said back calmly.

I closed my eyes, waiting for Allen to shoot and my life to end.


A noise echoed through the room. My eyes shut themselves closed tighter, feeling the little wrinkles on the edge of my eyes forming.

My body cringed and I formed my hands into fists.

I winced, waiting for the pain, which never came.

“Liza!” Alexia yelled towards me, grasping my hand in hers tightly. She ran over to the bar and dived over. I ran after her and dived behind the bar, just as another noise rang through the air.

My arm hit the ground with a thud, and a piercing pain radiated through my body. I looked down at my arm to find a huge piece of glass cutting it. The glass must’ve been huge, because whenever I tried to move my arm the pain was unbearable. It had to be right next to my bone.

I ripped off a piece of my shirt, grabbed a bottle of alcohol and stuck a broken off piece of a chair, that was probably broken in a fight, in my mouth. I bit down onto the chair and winced while I pulled the piece of glass out of my arm. I was right about it being right next to my bone, because the piece of glass was roughly 5 inches in diameter of its mangled shape. A contorted scream left my lips, but was smuggled since my mouth was closed around the chair.

I hurried and grabbed the alcohol on my right. My teeth bit down harder onto the chair as the alcohol dripped onto the cut. It would keep it clean and prevent it from having an infection. Yeah it hurt like a bitch, but as long as I wasn’t completely sick because of an infected cut I was fine. I spit out the piece of chair, breathing hard, and took the ripped piece of my shirt and wrapped it around my arm, and tying it into a knot with my teeth and empty hand.

“Are you okay? That looked like it hurt.” Alexia’s voice filled my ears. I looked up at her with a death glare that would kill the devil and wiped off the rest of the blood and alcohol on my arm with a rag I found in one of the cabinets.

I heard someone bark a command and shots were fired at the ceiling above Alexia’s and mine’s head. The ceiling look as if it was about to collapse, so I grabbed a few rags off the ground and told Alexia to grab a few bottles of hard liquor.

“Alexia! Liza! Get from behind the bar!” I heard Lacey’s voice shriek. Alexia and I stood up from our position carrying the liquor and rags over to a table where none of the body guards were.  Lacey raised her gun and walked to where Allen was standing.

“This is how you shot someone.”

She cocked her gun and pulled the trigger, sending three bullets in our direction. I flipped the table over, pulling Alexia down with me so we didn’t get shot. I stuffed two rags into two bottles of alcohol and threw them in the direction of Lacey and Allen. I heard a scream and a crash. I looked over the table edge really quick to see Bryce on fire and Lacey and Allen with a few cuts from diving onto one of the dance floors.

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