Part 75

355 13 2

*Over 1 year later*

It had been over 1 year since me and Aston had got married. Ava was 1 year old and 8 months old now, she was talking A LOT more and she can walk properly! It's been amazing watching her grow! 

For our 1 year anniversary Ast took me to Paris where he proposed. It was so cute and Romantic. 

JLS had done their first arena tour, honestly I couldn't be more proud! Been there from the start and watching the grow has been amazing! They'd released their 2nd album and are now working on their 3rd!

Anyway back to now. It's now October, so it was close to christmas! 'Mammy' Ava smiled standing at my knee's as I was sat on the couch. 'Yeah baby?' I asked. 'Baby' she giggled pointing to my tummy. Yup that's right. I'm pregnant again. 8 months, so it's due anytime now! We didn't find out the gender, we wanted it to be a surprise! 'Yeah' I smiled putting my hand on my tummy. 'Me touch' she smiled reaching her hand out and putting it on my tummy. 'Aww' I smiled leaning over and kissing her head. 'I'M HOME' a voice shouted from the door. Ava's head shot up as she ran to the door. 'DADDY!' she screamed. 'Princess' he laughed. I smiled to myself before standing up and making my way over to the door. 'Hiya babe, got the tea' he smiled holding the bag of food up. 'Ooh, thank you' I smiled walking over and kissing him. 'Mmm, hello' he mumbled against my lips. 'EWWW!' I heard making me pull away to see Ava stood with her hands over her eyes. Aston looked at me before bursting out laughing. 'And hello to you too' he said in a baby voice, whilst kneeling down and lifting my top up before planting kisses on my stomach. 'Let's eat' he smiled picking Ava up and grabbing my hand and pulling me into the kitchen.

'I seriously can't wait until this little one's born' Ast grinned putting his hands on my stomach as we lay in bed that night. 'Neither can I, it's doing my head in now' I laughed. 'It'll be here soon' he smiled kissing me. 'We need to think of names' I smiled turning over from been on my back so I was facing him. 'I like Jack for a boy' Ast smiled. 'Yeah, so do I, It's cute! Jack Merrygold' I giggled. 'What about a girl?' he asked. 'What about Ella?' I smiled. 'That's adorable! Ella Merrygold has a nice ring to it' Ast smiled wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to him. 'I hope it's another girl' Ast said randomly. 'Aw, do you?' I asked looking up at him. 'Yeah, that'd be perfect! Two girls' he grinned. 'You are too cute' I laughed leaning up and kissing his nose. 'Awr, come on then, you must be shattered, get some sleep' he smiled kissing me again before I snuggled back into him. 'I love you' I mumbled. 'I love you too' he whispered before I fell asleep.


It was the next day, I was sat on the floor playing with Ava and her toys. Aston was up stairs getting dressed. 'Shit' I mumbled feeling a pain in my tummy. 'What wrong mummy?' Ava asked looking up at me. 'Nothing baby' I smiled. 'Do you want a drink?' I asked standing up. 'Yes please mummy' she smiled. 'I'll be right back' I smiled walking into the kitchen and getting her, her beaker with some juice in and getting myself a can of coke. 

(Like these one's: )

'Owww' I gasped holding my stomach. This shouldn't be happening. Not yet at least, right? It was probably just the baby moving around. I grabbed Ava's and my drink and went back into the living room. 'Here you go baby' I smiled, handing her, her drink. 'I'm just going to see daddy, I'll be back in a second' I smiled kissing her head and standing up, but flinching as I felt a pain shoot through my stomach. 'Ast' I whispered walking into our bedroom where he was just putting his top on. 'What's up babe?' Ast smiled turning around to face me. 'My stomach' I gasped watching his smile drop. 'What about it?' he panicked walking over to me. 'I keep getting pains' I whispered, a tear rolling down my cheek. 'It hurts' I cried. 'Sh, come here' he whispered pulling me into him. 'We'll take Ava to Marv's then I'll take you to the hospital' he smiled running into Ava's room and getting her some stuff to take. I stayed in the room, I didn't want to move in case I got another pain. 'Ava's in the car, come on' he smiled, linkin my fingers with his and pulling me out the room. I walked to our bedroom door when I felt a gush of water fall down my legs.. my water's broke!

'ASTON' I shouted letting go of his hand and gripping my stomach. 'What's wrong babe?' he panicked holding my hands. 'My waters broke, owww!' I cried, struggling to breathe. 'Take deep breaths babe, come on, we need to get to the hospital' he smiled taking my hand and slowly getting me out the house. 'Where we going daddy?' Ava asked from the back of the car. 'You're going to uncle Marv's, mammy's baby is coming' he smiled. 'Aww, ok' she giggled. I sat there taking deep breaths and gripping Ast's hand. I didn't want to make any noise in front of Ava! 'Back in a sec, I'll just drop her off' he smiled, getting Ava out the back and running up to Marv's house. Not long after her arrived back. 'Let's go get this baby out of you' he laughed holding my hand again. 


After a while of pushing and trying to get this baby out, baby cries filled the room as I let my head drop back on the pillow. 'Congratulations, you've had a healthy baby girl' the nurse smiled putting her on my chest. 'Oh my god' I gasped looking down at her, letting a few tears fall. 'She's perfect' Aston grinned holding her little hand as tears fell down his cheeks. 'Well done baby' he smiled kissing my head. 'Do you wanna change her whilst I get my clothes on?' I asked. 'Yeah' he grinned as I passed her over to him. Once I was changed I sat back down on the bed, Ast had dressed her in her little baby grow. Similar to the one Ava was dressed in when she was born! 'Should I go get Ava?' Ast asked passing me our baby. 'Yeah' I smiled holding her tight. 'Mummy' Ava grinned running up to me. Ast lifted her up and put her beside me. 'Look, It's your little sister' I grinned. 'Can I hold her?' She asked, looking up at me. I couldn't say no! So I carefully passed her, to Ava. 'What's her name?' she giggled looking down at her. 'Ella' Aston smiled, leaning over and kissing me...

The end!

Shy Of The Cool // Aston Merrygold (Needs editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora