Part 7

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We walked up Astons drive, he pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. Both of us walked in the heat hitting us immediately.  It felt like home, I’d never had this feeling for ages. Coming into a warm house and smelling food automatically. ‘Wait here and I’ll take your bag upstairs’ Aston laughed he ran upstairs and returned not long after. ‘Come on’ he smiled guiding me through the hall and into the kitchen where I’m guessing his mum stood cooking ‘Hello Aston’ she smiled pulling him into a hug ‘Mum this is Sophie, Sophie this is mum’ Aston laughed as he introduced us. ‘Hello Sophie and you can call me Siobhan’ she smiled pulling me into a hug. ‘Hello’ I smiled and hugged her back ‘Aston, why don’t you show Sophie around and I’ll finish making tea?’ his mum asked ‘Yeah okay, come on Soph’ Aston grinned guiding me up the stairs and into his bedroom. It had a light blue carpet and darker walls. He had a big double bed pushed against the wall with blue bedding on. ‘You can sit down’ Aston laughed. I giggled and walked over sitting on the bed. ‘Do you want to watch a file, or go out or something?’ Aston asked ‘I don’t mind’ I laughed ‘Shall we watch a film then go out after?’ he asked ‘Yeah sounds perfect’ I agreed. We were both lay at the top of Astons bed, resting on the pillows watching a film. I completely forgot about the bandage on my arm so I took my cardigan off. I lay back down when Aston saw the bandage ‘Erm babe why do you have a bandage on your arm?’ he asked puzzled ‘Shit’ I cursed looking down. He paused the movie and sat up ‘Soph why do you have a bandage on your arm’ he asked seriously looking in my eyes ‘Because I cut my arm’ I said as I sat up with him ‘How did you cut your arm? And what with?’ ‘I don’t know and with a bottle’ I whispered ‘your dad done it didn’t he?’ he sighed holding my arm, I just nodded he slowly started taking the bandage of and my first reaction was to pull my arm away which I did. ‘Why you pulling away? If it wasn’t that bad you’d let me see’ he sighed. I gave him my arm as he carried on taking the bandage away revealing my deep cut smothered in blood. ‘Wait here I’ll go get the first aid box’ he smiled I nodded and watched him walk out the room.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen to get Sophie the first aid kit. Honestly? I couldn’t believe her dad hits her. I feel so sorry for her everyone at school hates her and bullies her and then she goes home to the get abused of her dad. All of that then I found out she cuts herself, no one deserves that. I mean she’s beautiful, she has gorgeous eyes and she’s just perfect but no one likes her. I was rummaging through the cupboards when my mum walked in ‘Aston what are you doing?’ she questioned looking confused as I practically pulled the cupboard out ‘Looking for the first aid kit’ I mumbled ‘Why?’ she said ‘Right you can’t tell her I told you but Sophie, everyone at school hates her they all bully her and she has no friends. At home her dad abuses her hits her all the time. All this leads to her cutting herself. She slits her wrists mum. I got into a fight aswell with JJ because I was with her and he didn’t like it. Well he doesn’t like her’ I sighed ‘Oh Aston, look out for her and please help her when they bully her you know what it’s like’ mum sighed I nodded my head as she handed me the first aid kit over ‘What’s it for?’ ‘Oh yeah her dad through a bottle of her and it’s left a deep cut on the bottom of her wrist’ I sighed  she nodded before hugging me and whispering ‘be careful with her’ I nodded before wondering upstairs to help clean Sophie’s arm..

Shy Of The Cool // Aston Merrygold (Needs editing)Where stories live. Discover now