Part 45

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*2 months later*

I’m now just almost 8 months pregnant which meant it wasn’t long until the baby arrived, I haven’t heard from Emma since that day I met up with her in the park and I still haven’t told Ast about it, but like I said I’m not going to. The JLS boys have released their 3rd single ‘One Shot’ which went straight to number one, earning them their 3rd number one. I’m so proud of them, I knew Ast would make it big when he told me he was rehearsing with the boys every weekend!

Me and Aston where now sat in the living room, just us two. He was sat on the floor in between my legs talking to my bump which by now was getting huge. He likes to do that every so often bless him. I can tell already he’s going to be an amazing dad! ‘Hello baby’ he said in a baby voice as both of his hands rested on my stomach. ‘Me and mummy are vewy, vewy excited to meet you’ he said in a baby voice before leaning down and kissing my stomach. He pulled back but still keeping his hands on my stomach when I felt something kick inside my stomach ‘Woahh’ I grinned ‘Did she just kick?’ Ast grinned ‘Yeah she did’ I grinned ‘Aww, omg, that was… wow’ he said in shock as he stared at my stomach ‘Talk to her, she might kick again’ I smiled ‘Ok, erm… You are going to be beautiful, you’ll look just like mummy’ he smirked then feeling another kick. ‘Wow, that’s just… wow’ he laughed still in shock ‘I know’ I grinned ‘I was thinking, maybe we should tell all your fans about the baby?’ I said looking down at him and playing with his hair ‘Are you sure?’ he grinned ‘Positive’ I laughed watching him jump up and run upstairs to get his phone. Not long later he ran back down and returned to the spot he was in before. 

*JLSters, good new, I’m going to be a daddy! Yeah, my girls’ pregnant : D Love you all #Ansaaaa Axx* 

‘And send’ he smiled. This all felt like when we told them all about us been together, sort of felt like De ja vu. ‘We should invite everyone around’ I smiled ‘Hm, yeah we should, I’ll text the boys’ Ast smiled ‘Ok’ I grinned leaning down to kiss him. This all felt… un-real, like I was living a dream. I had the most perfect boyfriend anyone could wish for, amazing friends and a baby girl on the way, my life felt perfect! Almost too perfect! ‘Right, I’ve texted the boys and they’re bringing the girls around’ he grinned ‘Hm, ok, I’ll text Megan, get her over’ I smiled pulling my phone out and texting her ‘Hm, I’ll text Chris, we could set them up together’ he grinned ‘Yeah, I think that could work’ I laughed. ‘Nando’s?’ I giggled ‘Defo’ he laughed jumping up and going into the kitchen to get the menu’s. I heard the doorbell ring so I jumped up and ran to the door, opening it to reveal Marvin and Rochelle ‘MARVINNN’ I laughed hugging him which was awkward with my bump ‘Flipping heck babe your huge’ he laughed taking his shoes off as I hugged Roch. ‘I know, she kicked today’ Aston grinned walking into the hallway. ‘Aww, that’s so cute’ Roch giggled once she’d took her shoes off. 

Not long after all the others arrived; JB and Chloe, Reesh and Aimee along with Megan and Chris who seemed to get on great straight away. ‘Woahhh’ I giggled after putting my now clean plate on the table ‘What’s wrong?’ Aimee asked ‘She kicked’ I laughed as all the girls jumped up and ran over all putting their hand on my stomach waiting for her to kick again which of course she did. ‘That’s so weird’ Megan laughed pulling her hand away ‘It feels strange’ Chloe laughed. ‘Do you boys want to feel?’ I asked looking at them as they all got up including Aston. They all put their hands on my stomach waiting for her to kick which she done straight away making them all laugh and say how weird it felt and stuff. I loved all these girls and boys they were all like my family to me, now all we had to wait for was the little one coming, and to be honest other than all the pain, I can’t wait!

Shy Of The Cool // Aston Merrygold (Needs editing)Where stories live. Discover now