Part 4 -edited-

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The day soon came to an end. And I made up my mind: I was going to the park to see Aston. For two reasons really 1) I wanted to see what he wanted to talk about and 2) It would give me more time away from dad.

I walked out the school gates and hurried to the park. I sat down on one of the swings and waited for Aston to come. About five minutes later he came jogging into the park and sat down next to me.

"Sorry about that, I had to get away from JJ." He laughed.

"It’s fine." I smiled as I swung the swing gently.

"Why does your dad hit you?" He asked out of the blue.

"I don’t know, when my mum died when I was 10 he sort of went off the rails. He goes out drinking, comes back completely hammered and beats me up, it’s like he takes all of his anger out on me." I sighed playing with my hands

"How did your mum die?" He asked sheepishly.

"She was in a car crash, she was on her way from work and a lorry smashed into the car, she was in a coma for a while but she wasn’t responding to anything so they had to turn life support off." I said wiping away the tears that were falling away.

"I’m so, so sorry," He sighed pulling me into yet another one of his amazing hugs. "Anyway let’s change the topic," he laughed. "What do you want to be when you’re older?"

"I want to be a dancer." I said embarrassed.

"Aw that’s cute." He teased.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Well I wanted to be a footballer but I had an accident so I can’t be any more. Now, don’t laugh." he warned pointing at me making me laugh.

"I won’t." 

"I want to be a singer." He smiled.

"Aw, go for it." I smiled, he laughed as we continued to talk just getting to know each other.

"When’s your birthday?" I asked randomly.

"13th of February, when is yours?" He smiled.

"Mines the 20th of February.’ I laughed.

"Ah a week apart." He laughed.

"Yeah, what’s the time." I panicked remembering my dad would be back from work soon.

"5 o’clock, why?" He asked, confused.  

"Shit!" I said jumping up from the swing. "My dad will be back!" I panicked and started to walk of.

‘Wait!’ Aston said grabbing my arm. "Give me your number then if anything happens you can phone me." He smiled. I nodded as we changed number, hugged goodbye then left in different ways.

I ran off home and when I got there I seen the big black people carrier meaning one thing… dad was home. I slowly walked in the house closing the door quietly, but when I turned around dad was stood there his arms crossed staring at me.

"Where’ve you been?" He snapped.

"For a walk." I said timidly as he walked over to me causing me to walk back but walking into the door.

"Get upstairs now, you’re such a stupid bitch." He snarled smacking me across the face before grabbing my hair, and pulling me upstairs, we reached my room where he opened the door and threw me in causing me to fall to the floor.

I clutched my check in pain of where he slapped me as he slammed my door shut and went downstairs. I wiped away the falling tears before changing into my pyjamas and doing my homework.

Once that was finished I got into bed and snuggled into the duvet. I was almost asleep when my phone buzzed waking me up. I looked at my phone to see ‘Ast<3’. I laughed at what he named himself before opening the text.

[Goodnight babe, sleep tight ;) Axxx]

I smiled to myself before replying.

{Night Ast xxx}

I snuggled back into the duvet and falling asleep and dreaming of the life I wished I lived…

Shy Of The Cool // Aston Merrygold (Needs editing)Where stories live. Discover now