Part 52

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I woke up to hear Ava crying; I sighed and rolled over looking at the clock to see it was only 2:30am. I pulled the blanket back and was about to get out when the cover came back over me, I turned around to see Aston sitting up. ‘What are you doing?’ I said rubbing my eyes trying to wake up more. ‘You go back to sleep, I’ll go see to Ava’ I smiled. ‘You sure?’ I asked watching him get out of bed. ‘I’m positive’ he smiled leaning over and kissing my head. ‘I’ll be back in a bit’ he smiled. I smiled before snuggling back into the duvet. ‘What’s wrong baby’ I heard Ast say to Ava. ‘You hungry baby?’ I giggled before getting out of bed and walking out the door to see Ast walking out of Ava’s room with her in his arms. ‘Is she hungry?’ I asked rubbing my eyes ‘Yeah, you go back to bed I’ll make her a bottle’ he smiled kissing my head. ‘No, I’ll come down’ I smiled. ‘You sure? I mean you can go back to bed and…’ ‘Ast’ I laughed cutting him off. ‘I can come down, I don’t want to stay in bed’ I giggled ‘Ok’ he laughed. We both walked down into the kitchen. ‘I’ll make her bottle then we can both go back to bed?’ I asked walking over to get her milk. ‘Yeah, of course’ he smiled. I made her milk and got her bib ‘You ready?’ I asked Ast who seemed to be in a trance looking down at Ava. He done that a lot, it was really cute though. ‘Hmm… what?’ he asked looking up ‘I said you ready?’ I giggled. ‘Yeah’ he smiled standing up and holding my hand. We walked back up into our bedroom and sat on the bed. ‘Here, you can feed her, I done it last’ he smiled handing me her. ‘Thanks, will you put her bib on?’ I smiled. ‘Yeah, of course’ He smiled. Once he’d put the bib on I took the bottle and slowly started feeding her ‘You’ll never guess what she done today’ Ast grinned getting all excited. ‘What?’ I asked laughing at him. ‘When I was feeding her, she put her hand on top of mine and looked up at me and omg it was so cute’ he grinned. ‘Aw, that’s adorable’ I grinned. He came and sat behind me so I was now in between his legs. ‘It’s valentine’s day in 2 days’ he whispered into my ear. ‘I know’ I smiled. To be honest I forgot about it because of Ava. ‘I’ve something planned’ He whispered ‘Really? Aww, what is it?’ I asked ‘Ah, ah, surprise’ he laughed. ‘Tease’ I sighed ‘You’ll love it babe, trust me’ he whispered before planting a kiss behind my ear. 

I woke up the next morning to see the bed beside me empty. I frowned before sitting up only to find a note on the pillow beside me from Ast it read ‘Morning babe, I’m off out for a while I’ve got something I need to take care off. I’ve fed Ava and put her back to bed so she should still be asleep! See you in a bit babe, love you! Axxxx’ Aww he was so cute! I got out of bed and made my way into Ava’s room to find her still asleep. I turned the baby monitor on before walking back into our bedroom to get ready. I was just having a lazy day really so I decided on wearing this;£18-Jade-joggers-£35-Fern-slippers-£25-Jayne-sweat-£40-Sienna-slippers-£30.jpg (One on the left :L)

I got changed before going downstairs to have breakfast… wonder what Ast’s up to?


I needed to book the night at Paris which I was doing for Soph for Valentine’s Day. I’d already phoned mum and dad and they agreed to look after Ava and I’d booked the flight so all that was left was to book the hotel. I decided on going for a dear one after all Soph is worth it and I want to make it a special night that she’ll always remember! I finally found the hotel which was this one; 

Now the hotel was booked there was only one thing left to do… buy her, her valentine’s day presents! Once I’d done that I made my way home, I somehow had to get into the bedroom, pack both of our bags get them into the car before Soph noticed. I opened the door to the house quietly before sneaking in, I looked in the living room to see Sophie’s back to me. I quietly tip toed up stairs into our bedroom, I got out two big bags one for me and one for Soph. I put her presents in my bag and made my way downstairs, I ran back outside, put the bags in my car and went back in the house. I walked into the living room, Sophie was sat like she as before I left ‘Hiya baby’ I grinned kissing her softly. ‘Hello’ she smiled. ‘It’s your birthday tomorrow’ she smiled ‘I know, then Valentine’s day’ I smiled. 

Shy Of The Cool // Aston Merrygold (Needs editing)Where stories live. Discover now