Part 69

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We arrived home after picking up Ava from mum and dads house. 'Do you want to pack your stuff whilst I look after Ava?' Aston asked putting her down in the living room whilst she crawled off to play with her toys. 'Yeah, I'll be quick, what do I need? Will it be hot? Cold?' I asked. 'Hot, so bikini's... lot's of bikini's' he smirked. 'Cheeky' I giggled running up the stairs. I got everything packed; dresses, shorts, skirts, vest tops and of course for Aston's needs a few bikini's. I put them all in the case along with my hair straighteners, curlers, hairdryer and my makeup. After everything was packed I made my way back downstairs to see Aston walking around holding Ava's hands. 'Aww' I laughed taking a picture of them and putting it as my phone background. *Aw, look, don't they look cute? ;)xx* I tweeted and attached the picture. 'Oh, hi babe' Ast smiled finally realising I was there. 'Hiya' I laughed walking over and sitting down in front of them. 'You gonna go pack now?' I asked taking Ava into my arms and hugging her. 'Yeah, I'll be quick' he smiled kissing me before running upstairs. 'Should we go upstairs and pack your stuff yeah?' I asked standing up with her in my arms. 'Yeah' she giggled. She was getting better at talking which of course was amazing. I put her on the floor in her bedroom and started packing stuff she needed like clothes, her favourite teddy and some toys. 'Should we go see daddy now?' I laughed putting her bag outside her door. 'Daddy!' she squealed before crawling off into our bedroom. 'Daddy' I heard her squeal again making me laugh. 'Hello princess' Aston laughed. I walked into the bedroom, Ava was sat on our bed whilst Aston packed his case. 'Aston, you need to fold them' I laughed watching him chuck anything into the case. 'But that takes too long' he moaned chucking a pair of shorts into the case. 'No Ast. Fold them' I laughed taking everything out and folding them. 'Mammy' Ava moaned putting her arms out for me. 'Shh baby, I have to pack for daddy, I'll be 2 minutes' I smiled kissing her head and getting back to packing whilst Aston was in the wardrobe picking some shoes to take. 'But mammy' she cried tears rolling down her face. I couldn't sit and watch her cry, so I picked her up and held her to my chest. 'Shh, baby, why are you crying?' I whispered stroking her cheek. 'Hungry' she cried grabbing my top. 'Aw baby, I'll finish this then take you' I smiled kissing her head. 

After feeding Ava and finishing Aston's packing we made our way up to mum and dads before heading off to the airport. I was wearing: 

and Aston was wearing this: 

We decided to wear the holiday clothes now since wherever we were going would be hot. We soon arrived at mum and dad's. I got Ava whilst Aston got her bag from the seat beside her. 'You going to see nanny and grandad?' I smiled getting her out the car. 'Ast, you coming?' I asked shutting the door. 'Yeah, I'm here' he smiled grabbing my hand as we made our way to the door. 'Ok, you be good baby and I'll see you when we get home' I smiled kissing Ava's cheek before letting Aston say goodbye. 'Have a good time' dad smiled pulling me into a hug. 'Thank you, just call if she's any trouble' I smiled hugging mum. 'She'll be fine, she always is' she smiled pulling away from the hug. Aston hugged them both before we made our way to the airport. I checked my phone on the way there seeing texts from all the girls; *Hope you have a good time babe! PS. I know where you're going ;) Chloe xx* *Have fun on this honey moon, remember just love safe ;p Megan xx* *Enjoy your time away babe, you deserve this break :) Aimee xx* *Have a great time away Soph, you;ll enjoy where you're going, trust me :P Roch xx*

I smiled to myself before replying to them all. 'Right, we're here, come on' Aston grinned getting out the car and grabbing the cases. We made our way in, Aston stopping for a few fans. 'Can I know now?' I moaned resting my head on his shoulder. 'You definitely want to know?' he asked rubbing my arm. 'Yeah' I grinned lifting my head off his shoulder and looking into his gorgeous eyes. 'Miami' he whispered making me grin...

Shy Of The Cool // Aston Merrygold (Needs editing)Where stories live. Discover now