Part 33

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Today was the day… moving day. I was actually happy, we would be getting a bigger home, it makes it feel more… real, like in 7 months’ time would have a little kid in it with us. ‘Ast’ I whispered stroking his arm, trying to wake him up, but nothing ‘Ast’ I said a little louder ‘Hmm’ he moaned shuffling down into the bed more, I leant down and kissed his nose gently. His nose crinkled before he woke up ‘Mm, morning baby’ he smiled leaning up and kissing me ‘Morning’ I smiled jumping out of bed. ‘Where you going?’ he asked ‘To get washed’ I laughed. We had left some of the toiletries out so we could get ready today. ‘Ast, get washed so I can put the stuff in the bags’ I said coming out of the bathroom. ‘Ok’ he smiled kissing me on the head and going into the bathroom. I got the last of my clothes out of the drawers; it was only the clothes I was wearing today though as I’d packed everything yesterday. I was wearing, jeans and a tight blue vest. Well it wasn’t normally tight but since I was pregnant and had a small bump, it was tight. ‘Come on then, let’s put the boxes in the moving van’ I said taking hold of Aston’s hand ‘Aww, look! Your bump is more obvious’ he grinned putting his hand on it ‘I know, it still feels unreal’ I giggled. He bent down so he was on his knees and pulled my vest up, he placed his hands on my stomach and stroked it gently ‘Hello baby’ he said in a baby voice ‘I can’t wait to meet you’ he laughed kissing my stomach ‘Aww’ I whispered looking down at him. After a little while of Ast talking to the baby we eventually made our way downstairs after removing the duvet and pillows and stuff to move the boxes into the van.

About 5 hours later, we were at the new house and finished un-packing, everything was put away and in its place. After ages of persuading Aston, I was finally allowed to put some stuff away, even though it was just clothes and DVD’s. ‘Babe, should we invite the group around for like a new house party?’ Ast smiles ‘Hm, yeah that sounds good’ I grinned looking up at him ‘I’ll phone the girls, you phone the boys’ I smiled jumping up and running into the kitchen. I phoned the girls, they were all coming but Megan was bringing her new boyfriend. I’ve never met him so it should be good, seeing someone new, the boys will get on with him and hopefully I will too. ‘babe, I’m just going for a shower’ I smiled kissing him gently ‘Hm, can I join you?’ he said cheekily ‘Nope’ I giggled running up the stairs and into the bathroom and locking the door behind me ‘Hey, open up’ he laughed banging on the door ‘Nope’ I laughed turning the shower on ‘Meanie’ he laughed. He must have gone into the main bathroom to get a shower. I washed my hair, done what I needed to do and got out. I walked into the bedroom, going over to the wardrobe and chose something to wear. In the end I decided on: 

It covered my bump nicely, but you could still tell I was pregnant. I blow dried my hair, straightened it and tied it into a messy bun. Aston came in not long after ‘Oh, you look nice baby’ he smiled kissing me ‘Thank you’ I smiled. He then got changed into:

Just then the doorbell went ‘I’ll get it’ I smiled jumping up and running down the stairs ‘hello’ I grinned opening the door to see Marvin and Rochelle. ‘Hello babe’ Marvin smiled pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheeks, ‘hello Soph’ Rochelle smiled ‘Hello’ i said as she hugged me ‘Aw, you have a bump’ she grinned looking down at it ‘I know, it all feels unreal, the bump makes it real, if you get what I mean’ I laughed ‘Yeah, I understand’ she laughed ‘Come on then, into the living room’ I smiled as she took her shoes of and went into the living room. ‘Where’s Ast?’ Marvin asked ‘here’ Ast laughed running into the living room and wrapping his arms around my waist from the back. ‘Aw’ Rochelle whispered looking up at Marvin. ‘Do yous want a drink?’ Ast asked ‘Yeah go on then, Roch?’ Marv said ‘Yeah please’ she smiled ‘Lemonade for you’ he laughed, kissing my cheek and walking out. ‘What’s it like not been able to drink?’ Marv laughed ‘Sucks man, I miss my drink’ I giggled ‘Hm, I can imagine’ he laughed ‘What’s it like been pregnant?’ Rochelle asked. We were having a girly chat as Marv and Ast were. ‘It’s weird, I can’t tell really, well until I started getting this bump’ I giggled putting my hands on it. ‘Aww’ she smiled just as the doorbell went ‘I’ll get it’ I said jumping up and running to the door ‘Helloooo’ I laughed once I’d opened the door to see Chloe and JB stood their ‘haha, hello babes’ JB laughed hugging me and kissing my cheeks ‘Boys are in the living room’ I said to JB ‘thanks babe’ he smiled going into the living room ‘Hello Chloe’ is smiled pulling her into a hug ‘Nice bump’ she winked ‘Haha, thanks’ I laughed. ‘Do you two want a drink?’ I asked ‘yeah please’ Chloe smiled ‘Please babe’ Jay smiled ‘Okay’ I said walking into the kitchen and getting their drinks ‘Here you go’ I said giving them their drinks ‘Thank you babe’ Jay smiled. ‘Game on the Xbox?’ Aston grinned ‘Yeah’ Jay smiled as all the boys went on that whilst me and the girls had a girly chat. 

Within the next 15 minutes, Reesh and Aimee had turned up together; they were getting really close, I’m sure something’s going on between them. ‘Where’s Megan?’ Roch asked ‘I don’t know, she said she was coming with her new boyfriend’ I said ‘Hm, she’s never mentioned him before’ Chloe said ‘Hm, I know, maybe she wanted to see how it worked out before telling everyone’ I smiled ‘Yeah, I see your point’ Aimee laughed ‘Anyway, what’s happening between you and Reesh, yous seem to be getting close’ I smirked making her blush ‘We’re getting close’ she said looking down ‘Aw, have yous been on any dates?’ I asked ‘Yeah, he took me on one yesterday’ she blushed ‘Aw, you two would make such a cute couple’ Chloe said as all of us girls agreed. Just then the doorbell rang ‘That must be them’ I smiled getting up and opening the door ‘Hello Aimee’ I said pulling her into a hug ‘Hello, this is my boyfriend… JJ’ she smiled pulling him into the house ‘JJ?’ I said looking up at him ‘Sophie?’ he asked looking down at me. It was him…

Shy Of The Cool // Aston Merrygold (Needs editing)Where stories live. Discover now