Part 5

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I woke up in the morning to yet again another quiet house, so I guessed dad wasn’t in. I made my way into my en suite had a shower, brushed my teeth and washed my face. I looked in the mirror to see my right cheek all bruised of where he hit me, boy that must have been hard. I sighed as I walked back into my room, I put some foundation on to cover the bruise along with my mascara, eye liner and lip gloss. I blow dried my hair before curling it and leaving it down. I slipped my school uniform on and put my homework into my bag. I grabbed my phone, put it in my pocket and went downstairs. I dropped my bag beside the door and went into the kitchen and grabbed some fruit, I turned around to walk out but dad was stood in the door way. ‘You off to school?’ he said ‘Yeah’ I whispered ‘Good because you piss me off’ he said pushing me out the kitchen causing me to land on the floor. ‘Ow’ I moaned ‘Oh shut up’ he snapped throwing an empty alcohol bottle off me making it cut my arm ‘Oww’ I cried as I got up ‘Get out’ he snapped walking into the living room’ I went upstairs into my en suited and wiped the blood away. There was a massive cut on the bottom of my arm which was so deep. I went into my little first aid box and put a bandage around my arm to cover it and stop it bleeding. I ran downstairs grabbed my bag and ran out the house, I ran down the path but bumped into someone at the bottom I looked up to see Aston which instantly put a smile on my face. ‘Hey’ he smiled hugging me ‘Hey’ I smiled back we walked for a few streets when we came up to a little alley way ‘I have to go this way meet JJ’ he sighed ‘It’s fine’ I smiled ‘Meet you at lunch?’ he asked ‘Yeah sure’ I laughed hugging him again before continuing my journey to school. I soon arrived and made my way to tutor, I got there early so I went in and straight to the back of the room to my seat. Today was going to drag I knew it was. Soon after the bell went and everyone piled in, all looking at me and laughing ‘OI, OI loner’ someone yelled as I just looked down playing with my bracelet again. The day actually flew by and before I knew it, it was lunch, I knew I was meeting Aston but I didn’t know where. I felt my phone buzz ‘Asty<3’ it read I giggled again at his name and opened the message which read [Meet me behind the school on the field! : ) Axxx] I smiled before making my way to the field. I got there to see Aston sat picking at the grass, I smiled to myself and ran up the field to where he was. ‘Hey’ I laughed as I sat beside him ‘Hiya’ he smiled hugging me. We were both just sat talking and eating our lunch. I completely forgot about my dad and the fact everyone hated me ‘Listen, since it’s Friday how about you come stay over?’ Aston grinned ‘Yeah, I’d love too’ I smiled.

Shy Of The Cool // Aston Merrygold (Needs editing)Where stories live. Discover now