Part 32

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I was now just over 2 months pregnant, I had a tiny bump, I wasn’t huge but you could tell I was pregnant; if you get what I mean. Me and Aston had bought the new house, we were moving in tomorrow, we were packing up the rest of our stuff but he wouldn’t let me pack anything because I’m pregnant. It’s really annoying though, I’m only pregnant. ‘Why can’t I help’ I moaned sitting on the bed ‘because I don’t want you hurting the baby’ he laughed ‘But, I’m only pregnant. I’m not dying’ I sighed. ‘Aw baby, It’s just I don’t want you or the baby getting hurt’ he laughed sitting beside me and pulling me in for a hug ‘I know, sorry I just want to help’ I sighed looking up at him ‘I know babe, don’t apologise, why don’t you… erm… pack the clothes, that’s not a heavy job’ he smiled ‘Ok’ I grinned, jumping up and packing, I was happy I’m finally allowed to do something, I hate just sitting there. I felt useless. ‘Do you want any help with that?’ Ast said as he sat beside me on the floor, ‘Nope, I’m good, these are easy to do’ I smiled ‘Hm, ok, I’ll go sort the bathroom stuff out then the kitchen’ he smiled kissing my head ‘Ok babe’ I smiled as he went into the bathroom and started packing up the toiletries. ‘Erm, Ast, is there somewhere safe where I can put the picture of my mum?’ I asked walking into the bathroom where he was. ‘Erm, keep it out then, don’t pack it. Then when we’re in the car you can either keep it on your knee or put it in the little compartment’ he smiled ‘Okay’ I smiled back and walked back into the bedroom to finish of packing up the clothes. ‘Baby, I’m going to do the kitchen now’ Ast said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind as I closed the wardrobe ‘Hm, ok, I’m coming I’ll do the living room’ I said turning around in his grip and wrapping my arms around his neck. ‘Ok, nothing too heavy’ he warned ‘Ok, I’ll just do the stuff like DVD’s’ I smiled leaning up and kissing him. ‘Come on then’ he smiled taking my hand as we walked down stairs. 


About 3 hours later we had completely finished packing. We weren’t taking the furniture; Aston had bought it all new. ‘Should we go to Nando’s since we don’t have any furniture’ Ast laughed looking at all the boxes with our stuff in. ‘Yeah, we might as well’ I giggled. We both walked out of the house and to the car so we could go to Nando’s. ‘We should start thinking of names’ Aston smiled as we ate our food. ‘Hm, yeah I know’ I smiled ‘Do you want to find out the gender of the baby or keep it a surprise’ I asked ‘Erm, I’d like it to be a surprise but I’d prefer to know so then we can buy clothes, decorate the bedroom, and buy the furniture’ he smiled thinking of all the stuff to buy. ‘Aw you’re so cute’ I giggled ‘What about you’ he said holding my hand over the table ‘Same as you’ I smiled ‘How long have we got to wait before we find out?’ he asked ‘3 months’ ‘Aw I’m excited’ he grinned ‘Me too’ I smiled. ‘Oh hey guys!’ Chloe and JB smiled as they walked in. ‘Hiya Chloe, Hiya Jay’ I smiled ‘You two gonna come join us?’ Ast asked ‘Yeah, why not’ Jay smiled ‘Go sit with them babe, I’ll get our food’ Jay smiled. ‘Chloe you can sit here, I’ll sit next to Soph’ Ast smiled ‘Ok, thanks’ Chloe smiled as Ast got up and sat next to me, instantly wrapping his arm around my waist. ‘Have you seen the papers recently?’ Jay asked as he sat down and gave Chloe her food ‘No, why?’ I frowned ‘You two are all over them’ Jay said ‘Oh’ I said looking up at Aston as he looked down at me. ‘We should tell everyone, I did say I’d tell the fans everything’ he said, I nodded as he pulled his iPhone out ‘What are you doing?’ I asked confused ‘Reading the articles about us’ he smiled ‘Ok’ I said snuggling into his side as he read the article and I chatted with Chloe and Jay. 

‘Are they bad?’ I asked looking up at him as he put his phone away ‘No, just saying they seen me leaving a restaurant with some mystery girl’ he smiled ‘Ok, should we tell the fans when we get home?’ ‘Yeah, we’ll tell them then’ he said. ‘Right we’re heading home now’ Jay smiled standing up, then helping Chloe up ‘See you later babe’ Jay said hugging me then Aston ‘Bye Soph’ Chloe smiled ‘Bye Chloe’ I smiled. ‘Come on then, we should get going too’ Aston said, standing up and holding my hand. ‘There’s gonna be pap’s isn’t there?’ I said ‘Probably babe, but we’re telling everyone tonight so it won’t matter’ he smiled. We walked out of Nando’s and of course, pap’s were there, taking pictures of us at every chance they got. I grabbed hold of Aston’s hand tighter so I didn’t lose him in all of the pap’s. They were shouting questions at us again, asking if I was his girlfriend, blah, blah, blah. ‘I’m so glad we’re home’ I smiled as I dropped onto the bed after getting changed, ‘I know same’ Ast laughed lying beside me ‘Let’s tell the fans’ he grinned grabbing his phone and opening twitter up. ‘What if they hate me?’ I suddenly panicked, the boys fans were so protective over them ‘They won’t, trust me, you might get a bit but that’s expected. And it’ll probably be from like 12 year old fans’ he laughed ‘Hm, ok. I’m just a tad scared I suppose’ I sighed. ‘It’ll be ok, baby’ 
*JLSters, I guess you’ve all seen the papers about me having a girlfriend.. Well it’s true! We’ve been together 5 years, and I love her, so please don’t hate on her! Much love #Ansaa ;p Axx* 
‘And send’ he smiled putting his phone on the bedside table ‘I’ll check it tomorrow, right now let’s get some sleep, we’re moving tomorrow’ he grinned ‘Night Ast, love you’ I smiled snuggling into his chest ‘Night baby, love you too’ he said as we both fell asleep. 

Shy Of The Cool // Aston Merrygold (Needs editing)Where stories live. Discover now