Part 44

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I started the car and made my way to the park; I didn’t know who to look for considering I hadn’t seen her in ages but the way she’s acted I’ll just look for someone caked in makeup. I walked into the park and sat down on one of the benches waiting for Emma. About 5 minutes later I saw a girl with bleech blonde hair, a bright orange face and a dress on which just covered her bum.. I'm guessing it's Emma.

I stood up and slowly walked up to her 'Erm, Emma?' I asked 'Yeah, Sophie?' she asked, an arrogant look on her face 'Err, yeah, that's me' I said quietly. 'What did you want then, haven't go all day' she replied sarcastically 'I just wanted to know why you told Ast you were pregnant with his kid when you obviously aren't' I sad looking her straight in the eyes. ‘Well, Aston’s mine, not yours, I’ve liked him since school, he wanted me before you came along’ she snarled. ‘If he liked you he would have went out with you, but he didn’t so he couldn’t have liked you that much’ I replied smugly ‘You got in the way, he would have come to me, we’d be together now if you hadn’t come along’ ‘I was there all along’ I smirked ‘You’re a bitch’ she spat ‘You’re a slag’ I laughed ‘Shut up’ she said looking angry. ‘You lied though, you told him you were pregnant when you weren’t’ I said ‘Because I want him, he should be mine, not yours’ she said getting more angry ‘I’m the one pregnant so I don’t think he’ll be leaving me for you anytime soon, but don’t contact him anymore, he doesn’t want you’ I smirked turning around and walking off ‘I’LL GET HIM SOPHIE, BELIEVE ME’ she shouted. I ignored her and carried on walking, I wasn’t going to listen to her, she’s some jealous slag who’s obsessed with MY boyfriend, she wasn’t getting him. I’d make sure of that. But I wasn’t going to tell Ast where I’d been, I wasn’t sure how he’d react. He might be mad that I went through his phone for her number? I don’t know, but he wasn’t going to know, or least I wasn’t going to tell him. 

I arrived home after quickly going to the shop to buy some chocolate fingers, I was craving them lately, not complaining though it was chocolate. I walked in the house to see Ast exactly where I left him only this time he had another DVD on. ‘Hey Ast’ I smiled walking into the living room with my box of biscuits ‘Mm, hiya babe, you went to the shop for them?’ he laughed pointing to the box ‘Yeah, I’m craving them’ I giggled getting comfy on the chair then opening the box. ‘Can I have one?’ he asked sweetly. ‘Nope’ I giggled again before putting on in my mouth ‘Don’t be mean’ he sighed sitting up on the sofa and shuffling over so he was sat exactly beside me. ‘Please?’ he pouted. ‘Fine, but only because I can’t resist you when you do that face’ I sighed giving him one. ‘Oooh, thanks babe’ he grinned, kissing my cheek before eating it. ‘What we watching now?’ I asked. ‘I don’t know, anything you want’ he smiled ‘Aww, I don’t know though, so you choose’ I giggled poking my tongue out. ‘let’s put anything on’ he laughed grabbing the remote and putting a random channel on. ‘I love you’ I smiled looking at him ‘I love you too’ her grinned kissing me softly. I really did love him, he was my everything. And no matter what Emma said I wouldn’t lose him to her, he loves me. And we have a child on the way, he wouldn’t leave me for her. I know he wouldn’t.

Shy Of The Cool // Aston Merrygold (Needs editing)Where stories live. Discover now