Part 42

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I woke up the next morning, an empty feeling taking over me. I hate waking up without Aston, I’d woke up beside him for 5 years. I sat up and looked at the time, 7:30, it’s far too early. I sighed before getting up and walking into the en suite bathroom, I looked in the mirror, I looked awful. My face and eyes were bright red of all the crying I’d done. All I wanted was a hug of my mum, that’s when I realised what I had to do; I had to go visit my mum. I walked back into the bedroom and got changed, I was wearing; 

Obviously with been just over 5 month pregnant I had to wear quite baggy tops so the pap’s didn’t realise I was pregnant and to be fair at this time it wouldn’t be good if they found out! I put on a small amount of makeup and tied my hair back in a messy bun. I walked into the kitchen and wrote a little note to Chloe telling her I’ll be back soon and that I was just popping up to Peterborough. I got in my car it was almost 2 hours away so this would be a fun drive. 

2 hours later I had finally arrived at Peterborough. I got out and made my way to the corner shop near where me and Ast used to live. I walked into the shop and bought a little teddy bear with ‘I love you’ on: 

and some flowers: 

No one went to my mums grave so I was the only one who ever put things down, it was awful though each time I would leave the cemetery heart broken. I missed her so much! I slowly walked towards her grave trying to hold the tears back, I always cried, I just couldn’t help it. I knelt down in front of her grave and placed the teddy and flowers on the front. I sat and talked to it, I know it sounds stupid but I feel that bit closer to her. I told her everything, from been pregnant to finding out the baby’s a girl to Ast getting another girl pregnant. I cried the whole way through, I just wanted her back. After a little while of talking to her I said goodbye and got up and left, the tears still rolling down my cheeks. I made my way to the park where me and my mum used to come and where me and Ast used to come. I sat down beside the little pond with my hand on my stomach thinking things over. Why would he do that to me? I looked around the park seeing parents playing with their children, which made me smile. In 4 month time and I’d have my little girl. I smiled to myself through the tears that were still falling; I lifted my hands of my bump and wiped my cheeks before resting my hands back on my bump. I sighed before looking at the ground. I really did miss Aston, everything about him! His eyes, his smile, his laugh, his cute nose crinkle, his sexy lip bites, the way he’d talk to my bump, waking up with him on a morning and falling asleep with him on the night. He really was my everything. I looked back up and just looked around the park when I recognised someone on the swings, I looked closer when I realised It was Ast and it looked like he was crying, I watched him for a while when he took his phone out, typed something, then put his phone away and put his head in his hands. I heard my phone beep so I took it out ‘Asty <3’ it said, I never changed since that day 5 years ago when he gave me it. I opened the message which read [Babe, honestly I never got her pregnant, I swear down! Please believe me, I miss you! Love you Axxxxx] I sighed as more tears rolled down my face, why was he making this so hard?


I had stayed at my mums for the night, I wouldn’t have but I cried myself to sleep. I was sat in the park that me and Sophie used to always come to and yet again… I was crying. I pulled my phone out and text her; [Babe, honestly I never got her pregnant, I swear down! Please believe me, I miss you! Love you Axxxxx] then put my head in my hands. I missed her so much, I love her so much. I need her and our baby girl. I lifted my head up and wiped my cheeks, my eyes were so sore of all the crying I’d done. I stood up and made my way to the pond where me and Soph used to sit when I noticed a pregnant women sat there, I remembered them clothes from somewhere, that hair. Then I realised who it was… it was Sophie. She comes here whenever she wants to think, or just to relax. I remember her telling me that her mum used to bring her here so I know how much this means to her.

But she’s here now… right in front of me… now’s my chance right?

To go over and talk to her? Tell her about Emma and how it’s not my child?

Or would she reject me? Tell me she wasn’t interested? That she didn’t want to know?

Well there’s only one way to find out, I slowly made my way over to her and sat next to her… here goes.

Shy Of The Cool // Aston Merrygold (Needs editing)Where stories live. Discover now