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You pulled a smallish stuffed rabbit close to your chest, squeezing the cotton insides of it. Hikaru had won it for you on a date a few months ago. You swore that it still smelt like him. Tears fell for your eyes, and onto the pillows around you, it had been a year today that Karu became your boyfriend, but sadly he wasn't there to celebrate with you. You were abroad the USS Infinitus, the newest ship in the fleet while Karu was on the Enterprise. The distance was slowly killing you, making everyday lonely and painful. It had been a whole two months since you last saw him. You pulled the bunny tighter to you, craving Karu' touch, even just the sound of his voice.

You had fallen asleep, but the sound of your phone woke you up. You picked it up, and looked at Karu's name written on the screen. You pulled it to your ear, and tried not to sound upset. "Karu?"

"Hey, How are you?" He asked, there was a certain shakiness in voice, and he sounded upset.

"Yeah I'm okay," you lied, "What about you, you just sound upset?" There was silence.

"Yeah, um sorry. I'm uh trying," he laughed awkwardly. "I really miss you..."

A tear fell from your eyes. "It's so hard being like this Karu, I just want you here..."

"This is slowly killing me, but today's our one year, we should be happy." He concluded.

"Yeah I guess, happy one year," you answered. You were filled with nostalgia, thinking about how amazing the past year had been. God you missed him. On the other end of the line there were some cackling noises. "Karu? I can't hear you," you said, sitting up and wiping your eyes.

"Can you go into Rec Room four? There's apparently better connection there." His voice was hard to understand, and the call dropped seconds after he finished talking. You groaned and pulled on some shoes before exiting the room.

For about ten minutes you waited for him to call you back, hugging you knees to your chest and watching the phone. It was crazy how much you missed him right now, you let another tear fall from your eyes. You buried your head into your knees, wishing it was his chest. You felt a small tap on you shoulder and shook your head, not wanting anyone's sympathy. The arm wrapped around your shoulders, and you looked up in shock, ready to move their arm off you.

Your eyes took in their features, the jet black hair, the small smirk and the golden shirt.

It was him.

"Karu?" You asked, not being able to take in what you were seeing. He nodded, and you wrapped your arms around him as tightly as you could. You could feel the air leaving your lungs, but you didn't care. You ran your hand through the back you his hair. "Karu?" You gasped again, starting to cry again but from happiness this time. He loosened his grip, just enough so your lips could meet, in a beautiful moment you'd been waiting much too long for. One thing you loved about him was despite how he looked, he was an amazing kisser. Everything around you disappeared and the whole ship could've blown up and you wouldn't even have cared.

You both let go, needing air. His smile melted your insides and you cried some more. He wiped a tear out of your eye. You pulled him in for another hug, taking a deep breath in, quietly loving the smell of his cologne. In your ear, he whispered about how much he loved you, and how much he missed you. You kissed him and swore that you were never letting him out of your sight again.

As soon as you'd stopped hugging and kissing (which took a fair while) he passed you a bouquet of colourful flowers, that he'd probably grown himself. "I thought you didn't believe in cut flowers?" You asked, smiling as you took the bouquet. He shrugged, "no but I thought you'd like them. I was going to cut my own and give them to you, but I couldn't... Sorry." You grinned "No, they're beautiful, and I wouldn't want you cut your babies," you teased. He blushed and frowned in mock anger. You held the bouquet of flowers and smiled. "I love you Karu." He smiled, and replied with another kiss.

You sat down with Karu and had been talking for a while, holding hands. He looked at his watch and frowned. "I have to go soon."

You shook your head, "Karu no, you can't leave me again. I can't live like this, I need you Karu."

He put his arm around you sympathetically. You could feel your eyes starting to water again. He frowned, "no please don't cry..." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a letter. His eyes fell to the floor and he passed it to you. "Read it," he said quietly. You took the letter and turned it over. It was sealed with the star fleet insignia. You carefully removed the sticker and pulled the small paper from the envelope. You looked at him before opening it, he sat looking straight ahead and not saying anything, with his hands clasped together.

The small black text was almost a blur, and you could hardly make sense of it. You rubbed your eyes and tried again.

"Congratulations, your application of transfer to the USS Enterprise (1701) has been accepted."

You looked at him, a small smile appearing in the corner of his lips. You stared at it, and then at Karu. He broke out into a grin and you grabbed him. He wrapped his arms around you again, and kissed your neck. "We don't have to live like this anymore."

(Authors Note)

Hope you enjoy!

In eight hours I went up 1.5K reads.... Just what?

Thanks for being patient with updates!

Anyways please vote/comment/enjoy!

Love ya's all

- Lucky

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