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Whenever he was in medbay he'd always rattle on about the county fair, and how he'd promised to take you there one day. You never actually thought it would happen because of the busy star fleet life, but when the Captain announced you'd have a few weeks off on Earth, Bones just lit up and grinned. "You know what this means?!" He asked excitedly. You didn't look up from the patient you were scanning, "What does it mean Leonard?" He grinned widly, pointing at a claimed at on his PADD. "It means that we will be in earth for long enough to see the county fair I promised to take you too!" You looked for a second and smiled. "Good, now can we discuss this later when I don't have so much work to do?" You asked playfully. He nodded and went back to work.

The county fair was alive and bustling with all sorts of animals, people and everything in between. The atmosphere was filled with happiness and the smell of fresh country air. He had your hand like a gentleman, and walked you through the main gate. "This is it," he said happily. He walked you down the middle of sideshow alley, where the place was bustling with people yelling out to try there games. "You there sir, why don't you try an' win your girl a teddy bear?" He asked, holding out a pellet gun. Bones smiled at you and passed the man a dollar note, taking the gun. "You have to hit that there target to win" he smirked. Bones nodded and aimed. He slowly pulled the trigger and let out three shots, all hitting the dead centre of the target. "Bulls eye!" One of the other carny folk called out happily, chuckling to himself. The other man looked at Bones in disbelief. "Oh, and the gun is rigged." Bones nodded, handing me a large red teddy bear. "How did you know it was rigged?" You asked. Bones shrugged, "it felt weird." He continued to pull you along, pointing out different exhibits and animals, telling you stories of coming here in his childhood. "Once, I entered my tomato in the biggest vegetables competiton, and I won 1st place." He smirked happily. You laughed at his story, and continued to as he told you all the other amazing things that had happened here. Bones stopped by a stall selling caramel apples, and bought you and himself one. You took a bite of it. "Leo this is delicious!" He smiled, "luckily for you I'm a doctor not a dentist."

As the sun started to set, he pulled you onto the Ferris wheel. "Leo I'm not that good with heights..." He smiled, sitting down beside you. "Don't worry it doesn't go that high anyway." You nodded. The ride kicked into motion and you were slowly raised above the lights of the carnival that were flicking on. The sun was just falling behind the hills, making the the sky a beautiful pinky orange colour. "God I missed this..." Leonard muttered. As you reached the very top of the Ferris wheel, Leonard smiled and looked you in the eyes. Both your eyes locked and he slowly leaned in close to you. The pinky orange sky faded to black as your eyes closed and Leonard McCoy kissed you.


Okay here's a good one, what do you reckon my name is? Just take a wild guess and post it in the comments. I probably won't reveal it because there might be creepy people out there, but I just wanna see if anyone gets it. It's not a normal name, but it's not like super weird either. I'll give you a clue, ummm there is a celebrity with this name.

Hahaha thanks for all the reads and votes ^_-
- Lucky

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