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Hikaru Sulu was your best friends and he loved his plants more than anything on the ship. You liked him more than you would care to admit but being scared of ruining your friendship, you decided not to tell him how you felt. You were hanging out in the botany lab finishing a report as he watered his plants and even spoke to some of them. Your eyes followed the path of his watering can and you couldn't help but smile. He put his watering can down and sat down next to you. "Do you have a favourite?" you asked him, scanning the brightly coloured leaves and petals gbefore you. He nodded and stood up, urging you to follow, walking you through the jungle that was the botany lab. He stopped in front of one that was the shape of a light bulb, but dull and grey coloured. You frowned, "All of these gorgeous and brightly coloured ones and you like this one the best?" He nodded, "watch." He opened a cupboard under the plant and pulled out a green liquid and a pipette. He took a drop of the green stuff and dropped it on the top if the strange bulb plant. It split in half and opened, revealing the most beautiful plant you'd ever seen. It had hundreds of tiny feather like petals, all different shades of pastel colours and a golden coloured center that almost seemed to be glowing. You smiled grinned and looked at Hikaru and then back at the plant. "It's beautiful," you muttered, watching the tiny petals quiver back and forth. The plant slowly came to a close again and you looked up at Sulu."It's what's on the inside that counts, and you can't judge a book by it's cover."

Sulu put the green jar of liquid down and smiled at you, different to the smile you normally received. You blushed and looked at the floor, subconsiously worrying that you would wake up and it would just be a dream. He opened his mouth, about to say something, but closed it and looked away. "What is it?" you asked soflty, trying to read the emotions in his eyes. "Can I tell you something?" He asked. You nodded and smiled. "I can't wait any longer, I've wanted to tell you for ages but I just couldn't, I was worried you wouldn't feel the same way." You tried to take it all in. "Wait are you saying... You like me?" you asked stopping him in his tracks. He sighed, "Yes I've liked you since we got on this ship a year ago..." he muttered looking at the floor, and brushing a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have..." he began to say, but you took his hande for as in yours, instantly silencing. "Karu... I- I like you too! I have for ages I just didn't want to ruin our friendship by saying something and then you not feeling the same way or..." He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close. "I really wish I said something sooner..." he smiled. You placed you wrapped your own arms around him and rested your head on his chest. He swayed you slowly and started to whisper in your ear. "I'm so lucky to have you..."

(Author's note)

Hey guys thanks for all the reads, spams of votes an comments!!!! It actually means so much to me you make my days awesome! xx

Anyways it's school holidays for threeish weeks so I can promise more stuff yay!

So enjoy and feel free to vote or whatever :)

(There may have been some confusion about the last chapter because it ended up before the Spock one or something so it's still there just hiding haha it's a Scotty one by the way)

-Lucky :)

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