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(Suggested by @Whovian3135 )

"The things that you do for star fleet," you grumbled chucking a tea towel into you husband's face.
James Kirk rolled his eyes and leaned again the bench, folding the tea cloth and biting his lip.
"This ones only for a year, and it could potentially be one of the biggest discovered in human history. This is huge, I don't want to go but it's not like I can avoid it. The fleet has already signed me up."
You picked up the tea towel the folded and threw it back into his face again, glaring at him.
"This is deep space Kirk I won't be able to contact you for a year. You could die and I wouldn't know for a whole year. This is really serious, I just hate not knowing."
Kirk nodded and started folding the tea towel.
"We still have eight weeks together. We should do somewhere. Somewhere warm maybe, he said looking out the window at the White blanket covering the ground. "Fiji maybe or Australia or somewhere?"
You laughed, "Australia? You feel like riding a kangaroo or something?"
He nudged your side. "It'll be fun."

"You know I hate you for doing this," you glared.
He nodded, "trust me I know." He pulled you into tight hug against his golden shirt. The first time you met him was in that shirt.
"You better not die or worse hook up with anyone."
He kissed the top of your head. "I love you, I will come back in one piece and still very married to you okay."
You hugged him again and sighed.
"Still though, no sex for a year, that's pretty damn rough."
You punched his shoulder and  glared at him again.
He laughed and pulled you into another tight hug.
"We'll be fine okay," he smiled. You sighed and pulled his lips to yours for one last strong goodbye kiss. He cupped your face gently and pulled you tightly against him.
You both gently pulled away and he gave you a sad smile, "See you in 12 months."

"You've got to kidding me," you groaned to yourself as you got up out of bed for the third morning in a row with nausea. You sat on the cold tiles and leaned back against the wall. You had a feeling you knew what it was, but you were really hoping you were wrong. You felt a hot wave of nausea hit you again and you groaned uncomfortably, wishing that James was there to comfort you. He seem like a womaniser and kind of a tool when you first met him, but after a couple of months of knowing him, and a few late night conversations together, he started to open to you and reveal his insecurities about women. He was pretty adorable when he was around you and God you were missing him so much.

Later that day you ventured out to buy a pregnancy test to try and explain your sudden illness plus late period. You were still hoping you were wrong but you were getting less and less confident as the test waited in the sink. What were you going to do if you were pregnant? You couldn't contact Jim and the baby would be born by the time he got back. You'd have to look after yourself and the baby for a year until he got back. You started rocking yourself back and forth, feeling tears forming in your eyes from stress. You pulled yourself up and looked in the pink, picking up the pregnancy test. You were right, you hated it when you were right.

Bones was only of the only people who had stayed on earth instead of joining the fleet out into deep space. He had even made James a shirt saying 'I survived James T Kirk's captaincy' as a going away present. You and Bones had been friends for ages and you were hoping he wouldn't be annoyed at you for getting pregnant in literally the most frustrating way possible.
"Bones!" You called out, getting his attention from a cafeteria seat. He looked up and raised an eyebrow, calling you to sit down and shaking his head.
"I'm a doctor dammit, I busy you know." He muttered, taking a sip from a coffee mug.
"You're siting here doing nothing," you pointed out, getting your phone from your pocket and flicking through the photos.
"Everything okay," he asked suspiciously, looking at the worried expression plastered across your face.
"No," you muttered, "it's not" you passed him you phone with the photo of the pregnancy test and waited quietly for a response.
"I'm all alone Bones, I'm gonna have this baby and then Kirk will come back and he'll dump me and I'll be alone again." You started crying and Bones looked up at you. "I'm gonna be alone and stuck with this baby!"
Bones wrapped his hands around you and held you for a small while and gently let you go.
"You're not going to be alone, I'll look after you and your baby. Jim won't leave you, he's an idiot but he's not stupid enough to leave you especially if he has a baby. " Bones stood up and helped you to your feet.
"Where are we going?" You asked quietly, placing your phone back in your pocket.
"Come on, we've got tests to run so we can keep you and your kid healthy."

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