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It was that time of year again, where everyone was a little more cheerful and the smell of shortbread cookies would drift through the various corridors of the USS Enterprise. Ugly sweaters were permitted and someone had hacked into the temperature controls to make it just a tiny bit colder. It was Christmas Eve and your last shift had just finfished. It was your first Christmas that wasn't on Earth and you were both excited and a little homsick. You were wandering towards the mess hall when a familar Russian accent called your name and you turned around happily, seeing your favourite person on the ship smile at you. "Pavel," you grinned slowing down so he could catch up to you. "Excited for Christmas?" you asked.

"I'm Russian, I don't celebrate it until January 7th," he answered.

You laughed, "Really?"

He smirked, "Yeah but I really just actually celebrate both."

You both laughed and looked back at each other. "Do you want to celebrate it with me tomorrow?"

His cheeks reddened. "Um are you sure, I'd hate to intrude-"

You interupted him. "No one should be alone for Christmas Pavel, I can't think of any better way than to spend it with you..."

He smiled and nodded, biting back a grin. He brushed some curls out of his eyes as you both reached the mess hall. As soon as you walked into the door, all eyes in the mess hall fell on you two. "Um whats happening?" you muttered looking at Pavel. Jim was sitting on the table closest to the doorway. He grinned and pointed above the door way. A small green leafy plant hung loosely above you. 'Mistletoe,' You thought. Pavel looked at you, having no idea what was going on. "It's mistletoe, you're meant to kiss me, it's a tradition but you don't have to..." You liked Pavel, and you liked him a lot. You were pretty sure he liked you back, but you thought maybe as just a friend or something. Jim started chanting, "kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss," gradually getting louder and louder with more and more people joining in. You looked up at him awkwardly and he looked back at you. His cheeks were red and he moved closer to you slowly. "May I?" he whispered, taking your hands. The mess hall quieted. You nodded, shaking nervously. He moved closer to you slowly, wrapping his arms around your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck and rested your head agaisnt his. Your eyes closed and slowly your lips pressed against his. The whole room broke out in cheers and laughter and you grinned opening your eyes and letting go of him. His cheeks were burning red when he looked away from you, but he had a massive smile. Jim grinned at you and followed you both over to an empty table. "No one has gotten that reaction for the crowd," he grinned sitting next to you. "I think you two are everyones favourite little couple." You both rolled your eyes and Jim winked at you both as he left.

Pavel looked up at you and grinned. "I really enjoyed that."

Your room was stuck on a chilly 8 degree (46 F) and you had a thick blanket wrapped and yourself and Pavel. The Christmas tree blinked in the distance and two empty hot chocolate mugs sat on the floor. "You look a little cold," he laughed, moving closer to you. You shot him a playful glare and leant towards him. He wrapped his arm around you shoulders and giggled. He kissed your cheek and you turned to him, placing your hands on his cheek. You pulled his lips to yours and fell down onto the lounge. He rested beside you and kissed you softly. You pulled away and sat up breathing heavily. "I'm so sorry - " he began but you quickly interrupted him. "No I just wanted to tell you something... I really like you Pavel." He stopped and sat up, smiling brightly. "Your face is redder than the christmas ornaments Pavel," you laughted, only making him go redder. He pulled out a card and passed it to you. "You weren't meant to open it until tomorrow, but I think now might be a good time..."

' Dear y/n,

I know this isn't really a traditional thing to write in a christmas card, but I thought that this might be a good opportunity to tell you that I really like you, and maybe over the holiday season we can spend a little more time together.

I hope you have a very merry Christmas,

Pavel xx'

You grinned at the card and pulled him into a tight hug. "You wrote kisses in the card," you laughed, burying yourself in his shoulder. He chuckled back and smiled to himself, kissing your cheek softly. You pulled away and stared deeply into his eyes. His smiled melted something inside of you and his deep blue eyes made time stand still. He kissed you again, this time your lips softly moving with his,dancing in sync along to the christmas music playing from somewhere in the kitchen. Your fingers ran through his springy hair and he held you gently until you both pulled away for air. "That was amazing," you muttered. You lay down with him and smiled, he gazed into your eyes again as they slowly fell closed.

A soft hand shook you awake and you slowly opened your eyes, looking up at Pavel's smile, remembering the night before. "Merry Christmas," he laughed, helping you up. Your eyes shot towards the Christmas tree, noticing a few presents that weren't there the night before. "Santa must've come," Pavel laughed, probably thinking the same thing. You passed Pavel a present and encouraged him to start opening it. He pulled a red ribbon off the box, and pulled out of the box, another smaller box. This was wooden and Pavel's name in Russian written on it. He looked up at you and grinned, and slowly lifted the lid. A soft melody started playing, and you studied his face as it played."It's Once Upon a December," he yelled happily, starting to sing along to the Russian version of the song. He heard you singing it once in English and spent the rest of the afternoon explaining why the Russian version was better. He laughed and put the box down carefully, hugging you and thanking you. He up another presnt nearest where you wree sitting and passed it to you. You quickly opened it and looked inside. It was a small silver neclace with a blue gem in the middle, a spiralling angel wing around it. It was absolutely gorgeuos. It caught the light and sparked slightly. For a few seconds you were spechless, staring at the necklace while Pavel looked at you curiously. "You alright?" he asked. Before he could say anymore you wrapped your arms around him and laughed. "Oh Pavel, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!" You muttered into his shoulder. He chuckled and kissed your cheek grinning, happily. You rested against Pavel's shoulder and looked at the other presents. "Wanna open the rest?" you asked. He nodded and passed one to you looking at the tag. "From Santa," you read. Pavel started to open up a card attached to it as you pulled the wrapping off the present.
"You're kidding right," you laughed, showing the half unwrapped box of condoms. Pavel's face went blank. He stood up slowly and passed you the card.

'Have fun - Love Santa ;)'

"Just a minute," Pavel muttered, "I'm gonna go kill the captain and then Sulu."

(Author's Note)
I was meant to post this before Christmas whoops....
Hope I made you laugh
Love Lucky Clover <3

Star Trek One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora