Seven Deadly Sins - Bones (Part One)

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Hello my readers,

Wow it's been a long time.

I'm going to be posting a seven deadly sins piece, one sin for each of the main memebers of the Enterprise crew (Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, Sulu, Chekov and Uhura). The parts will be posted here as part of one shots.

Thank you for sticking by me for so long despite basically no updates but this piece it particularly long and will hopefully make up for it.

Bones - Wrath -


noun: wrath; plural noun: wraths

extreme anger.

The things is, McCoy doesn't like when it happens, or even mean for it to happen; it simply does. He realises that it's work that does it to him, push and push and push. He finds himself a little shaken at the end of the day sometimes. He doesn't tell anyone.

The first time it happened on duty was quite early into their five year journey. Six hours had already passed and he could feel the stinging behind his eyes screaming at him to stop. He never liked how bright medbay was. His first victim was a nurse, short, dark hair and a faint smile. The smile didn't last. She'd loaded a hypo incorrectly, he told her she was incompetent. He still sees the look she gave him sometimes, as if all the study and training she'd done in the past was for nothing. He never said sorry, he tells himself that he still should.

After the incident he found himself in his office, trying to calm down, to just stop being angry for a reason that he can't even find. He wants to throw something. He wants to break something. He wants to collapse.

As soon as his shift ends, he does.

He wakes up an hour and half later, his head throbbing gently. He names it resentment. He pours himself a whiskey and takes a seat opposite the replicator, trying to decide what to request as a way to distract himself. He opts for a peach and rolls it over in his hand a few times before starting to eat it. He figures whiskey and peach make a weird flavour combination, he kind of likes it.

McCoy starts sorting his shifts into good shifts and bad shifts. The good ones only being defined by how his co-workers feel after handing him their PADD. Some weeks pass with only a few bad shifts, some pass with only bad shifts. He starts getting more self conscious of it, the way his coworkers will be talking but separate with a dry smile if they see him. He yelled at two people for talking instead doing their duties on shift once, he's still looking for a reason to justify why. He tries to remember the last time he smiled at one of them; the memory just isn't there.

A few new staff join medical and four out of the five seem a little intimidated by him. He can't blame them. He explains a few of the specific practices that the Enterprise has that they don't explain in Starfleet. He sends them to their stations awkwardly and goes back to his office rubbing his face a little. He has to finish a report on an alien disease found in one of their patients. It takes slightly longer than normal for him to finish it.

A knock at his office door makes McCoy realise he's not entirely there. He rubs his hands over his face a few times before asking whoever on the other side to come in.

One of the new nurses stands there, unphased by his blank expression.

"It's Jim Kirk, sir. He's asked for you."

"Tell him I'll be right out, thanks."

She gives him a polite nod before she leaves. McCoy stands up and stretches his legs out a little. She was the only new recruit who didn't seem bothered by him. He figures it's only a matter of time before she is.

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