Prolouge / Author's Note

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Welcome to the end.

The new world, one of survival and monsters.

Tensions between the US and North Korea are at an all-time high, with nuclear war inbound. To prevent this, the United States Government begins construction of a highly destructive bioweapon to prevent the war before it begins. After all, nuclear conflict poses an incredible risk of ending the world.

However, North Korea knows about the whole plan. Everything, down to the number of threads on the bolts. A spy was sent in to install a flaw in the weapon.

And over New York City,

The forces of hell would be unleashed.

- - -

     This is a reboot of my original series, only OG's will know how bad the old series was.

The Second Life Series (Fatal, The Battle Of Manhattan, Meridian) are my original stories, and I retain full copyright power over them. Don't plagiarize, I don't much appreciate it.

Also, the story is violent and has lots of swearing. If that isn't your thing, I wonder why you're reading a book about a zombie apocalypse, haha.

With that being said, Enjoy!

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