Chapter VIII

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"Thank you so much for being such an awesome crowd! Enjoy the rest of your day and get behind this fantastic campaign. Beca out!" Beca concluded her performance, causing an explosion of cheers to erupt from the crowd in front of her.

Beca waved goodbye then walked off of the stage to Chloe where she was greeted by a big kiss and cuddle.

"Amazing as always, babe," Chloe said.

"Thank you," Beca relaxed in Chloe's arms for several moments before pulling away.

"I have a surprise for you, too, in a little bit."

"Oh, yeah?"


"Do I get a hint?"


"Oh, come on!" Beca whined playfully.

"If I give you a hint then you'll guess it right straight away."

"Fine," Beca huffed.

"Hey, Chlo!" Xavier returned to the couple and Beca was so close to telling him to piss off.

"Hey, X!"

Beca hated it when the pair of them called each other pet names like that. It was purely innocent and platonic but Beca didn't care. Someone else was calling Beca's girlfriend something cute and that just didn't sit right with the artist at all.

"I just need to head out real quick to run some errands but I'll be back in time for the after party," he told the model.

"Aww! You can't stay?" Chloe asked.

"Sorry, but I won't be too long."

"Okay, hurry back." Chloe gave the man a hug goodbye, which made Beca's blood boil.

"See you soon. Good job out there, Beca! Your music is awesome!"

"Thanks," Beca gave a brief smile.

"Bye, X!" Chloe farewelled.

"Bye!" Xavier smiled at the redhead before walking off.

"Bye, X," Beca mocked.

"What was that for?" Chloe frowned.


"You know what."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Beca answered then made her way into her dressing room.

Chloe sighed and followed the stubborn brunette.

"Seriously, what is your problem with him?" Chloe probed, shutting the door behind her.

"With who?" Beca sat in front of her vanity mirror and drank some water.

"Xavier! What has he done to you?"

"He hasn't done anything to me."

"Then why do you hate him so much?"

"I don't hate him."

"Really? Because it sure looks like you hate him to me and everyone else who sees your interactions with him."

"Chlo, I don't hate him, okay?"

"Then what is it?"

Beca didn't answer and Chloe sighed and sat next to her girlfriend.

"Baby, please talk to me," the older woman begged. "You know that you can talk to me about anything and you know that I won't judge no matter what."

Beca took a breath then looked at the woman next to her who was watching her with soft eyes. Those damn eyes, Beca thought. No matter how much Beca wanted to keep her thoughts and feelings to herself, she never could resist Chloe. The redhead didn't even have to try anymore - Beca just caved and let go, which she both hated and loved.

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