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Five years later...

"Let's have a bunch of kids," Beca said to Chloe who was finishing getting ready for Stacie and Aubrey's Christmas party.

"We've already got two and we're about to have our third, babe," Chloe giggled.

"I know but I want a big family with you," Beca stepped in behind the model and soothed her hands over Chloe's four-month-old baby bump. "I want everything with you, remember?"

"I do remember but you seem to have forgotten that the two little terrors we have already are a handful and I have no doubt that this little one is going to be the same."

"You're a great mom, babe, and together we raise our kids right. I don't think it'd do us any harm if we have a few more babies."

"Well, you can pump them out then."

"Hey! I carried our second one thank you very much!"

"And you whinged the entire time."

"I did not!"

"You did!" Chloe laughed.

"You gotta admit though, the sex was good."

Chloe hummed at the thought. "Yes, it was good."

"Still, I think we should have a bunch of kids." Beca kissed Chloe's cheek and held her softly.

"I don't know how much longer I can carry kids. I'm getting a bit too old."

"Too old?" Beca scoffed. "Chlo, you're thirty-five."

"Going on thirty-six. That's too old to be carrying more children. I think this'll be my last one."

Beca just rolled her eyes. "You're never too old to do something you love and I know you love having kids."

"I do but my body will probably hate me after this one."

"Well, I won't." Beca kissed her wife's cheek and snuggled with her.

Chloe relaxed in Beca's embrace and looked at them via the mirror. This was Beca and Chloe's third child and they were just as excited to have this one as they did the first time. They had two daughters - Amber who was four, and Stephanie who was three. The two mothers put both of their DNA together so they wouldn't have to rely on a sperm donor, making the child actually theirs and ultimately, a girl. Amber was the first born and was carried by Chloe. The girl was a splitting image of the model. She had curly red hair, bright blue eyes, and Chloe's smile. It was actually scary just how much Amber looked like her mother AND acted like her. Next was Stephanie, the second born who was carried by Beca. She looked very much like her mama with long brown hair, dark eyes, and a stern but also kind face. Stephanie shared a lot of traits with her mama, which was a pain more than both mothers would have liked since the little brunette was stubborn and had quite the attitude on her. Beca tried to deny where Stephanie got her traits from but everyone knew she was Beca's clone.

Now they were onto their third child being carried by Chloe. The couple agreed that they'd share carrying their babies. So, if they planned to have another one, it would be Beca's turn to carry and she was alright with that. Both women loved being parents but it was no walk in the park. They hardly got time to themselves anymore since their kids demanded their attention almost every hour of every day. It was draining and both mothers were exhausted. They had been exhausted for four years now.

"Right, I think it's time that we make tracks. Can you go see if the girls are ready? I need to pee," Chloe announced.


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