Chapter XXXV

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After a week had gone by and after a lot of thinking, Jessica decided that she was ready to meet up with Ashley and discuss her situation. The blonde had gotten a lot of support from Jesse who was extremely proud of his girlfriend.

"So, how are you feeling?" Jesse asked as he sat in the car with Jessica while they were waiting outside the café in which Jessica was supposed to meet Ashley in.

"Nervous, I guess," she answered, playing with the rings on her fingers anxiously.

"Hey, you'll do great. If you need me, I'm right here. Remember, you're just here to talk. Nothing else."

"Yeah," she nodded. "I know. I just haven't seen her since we broke up that's all and it's quite unnerving."

"You'll be fine. She's probably more worried about seeing you then you are seeing her."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Jessica looked at the time on her phone then sighed. "Okay, I better go in."

"Alright, I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere," he reassured her.

"Thank you."


The two exchanged smiles before Jessica got out the car and made her way inside. Her heart was hammering in her chest and she felt her knees tremble the closer she got to the café. She pulled the door open then looked around and saw Ashley sitting at the back by herself with her phone in her hands. Jessica took a nervous breath then approached the dark-haired woman with fair skin.


Ashley looked up and saw her ex standing before her.

"J, Jess..." She uttered.

"Jessica," she corrected.

"I'm sorry... Ah... Please, please sit."

"Thanks," Jessica sat across from the brunette and there was an awkward silence for a few moments.

"So, ah, how have you been?"

"I've been good. Really good."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Tell me about it."

Jessica sighed. That was one of the many things that she had missed about Ashley. The brunette was genuinely interested in Jessica's life no matter how boring or exciting. She took time out for the blonde and it made Jessica feel important and worthy of someone's time and love.

"With all due respect, Ashley, I didn't come here to have a catch-up chat. I came here to learn about what's happening with you."

It pained Ashley to hear but she understood so she nodded.

"I'm in a bit of trouble," the woman told the blonde.

"I know. What's been happening?"

"I've been in and out of jobs it's crazy. A lot of places don't want someone like me who has got commitments outside of work. I'm not allowed to take too much time off work to look after my son but I can't keep sticking him in daycare whenever I work. My friends all have full-time jobs and can't look after him either. I hate leaving him at daycare. He's bonded with one of the workers there and I think that he sees her as his mom more than me."

Jessica could hear the heartache in the woman's words.

"I've been out of a job for a few months now and I can't find anyone who'll hire me and I'm late on the rent for the third time. I've been given a warning that if I don't pay the rent by the end of this month, I'll have to move."

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