Chapter IV

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"Oh my God, I'm so excited, Bree," Chloe said down the phone to her best friend.

The model was sitting at the kitchen counter painting her toenails while Beca was on her way home from work. Chloe couldn't get what Beca said the night before out of her mind, and she just had to tell Aubrey. Chloe was more than ready to accept Beca's proposal and she was counting down the minutes until their anniversary.

"You think she will?" Aubrey asked.

"When someone says they only have one chance at something you assume that they're going to propose, right?"

"True. Are you going to pretend to act surprised?"

"I don't think I'll have to pretend. I'll be just as excited when she does propose. I think seeing Stacie propose to you gave her that push, you know?"

"I'm glad she's finally got some sense knocked into her."

"Me, too. I've been wanting to talk to her for a while about it but after last night I don't need to. I'm just so excited. I'm turning thirty this year and I hoped that I'd be married by at least my late twenties. I definitely want to be married in my thirties - no later than thirty-two."

"Wow. Beca's got a time limit does she?"

"Yes. I mean, now's a good time to have kids as well but I want to be married first."

"Yeah, me, too."

"Have you and Stacie talked about kids?"

"A little bit but we still need to have a serious talk about having them. It's all nice and playful when you're high on love but you need to actually think and talk about your future with your partner to make sure that you do in fact want to settle down and be a family."

"So true. I think Becs and I will just focus on getting married first THEN we'll talk about kids. I don't want to completely freak her out. You know how sketchy she is when it comes to commitment."

"I think she's done pretty well so far. I mean, she's been with you for four years and hasn't faltered."

"No, she hasn't and I hope that she never will."

"Chlo, she's been by your side the entire time. Even when she got really famous she still wanted you. People fall to her feet and she doesn't care. I see the way she looks at you when you're not looking and how she treats you - you two are destined, even if she's a pain in my ass."

Chloe laughed.

"I wouldn't worry, Chlo. Just focus on pretending to act surprised when she proposes to you."

"Were you expecting Stacie to propose to you?"

"Not at all. We hardly talked about it but it was one of those things that we didn't really have to talk about, you know? We just have this connection that allows us to not say anything but the other person knows what the other is saying if that makes sense?"

"Yeah, Becs and I have that, too."

"I couldn't have said yes fast enough. I can't wait to marry her."

"I can't wait either! I can't wait to be the Maid of Honour. I can't wait to see Becs as Stacie's Maid of Honour, too. She'll look so hot in a dress. She always looks so good in dresses. It's a crime that she doesn't wear them more often."

"Well, you'll see her wear one on your wedding day - don't worry."

"I know, and I can't wait. I'm just so excited, Bree!" Chloe squealed.

"I'm happy for you, Chlo. At first, I thought it was a little ridiculous that you fell in love with an alt-girl after about a week of knowing her but it soon became clear that it was for real and that you really felt for her. It just took Beca a push to realise that she felt the same way."

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