Chapter XL

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After getting the clearance from the doctor, Beca was finally able to go home and the brunette thought that when she got home that she'd be able to relax a bit and do some things but Chloe wouldn't let the woman out of bed. The only exception being the bathroom or having a shower. Everything else, Chloe would do and Beca soon began to grow tired of it and a little frustrated.

"Babe, I can make my own lunch," Beca reminded her financée.

"I know you can but you need to rest. Remember what the doctor said?"

"I've been in bed for just over a week now. If I don't move my legs will stop working!"

"Oh, quit being so dramatic. Your legs will be fine. They're probably thanking you for giving them the rest they need."

Beca rolled her eyes then started to eat her lunch of chicken salad. Thankfully, Beca was able to go back to eating regular food so not all was bad but Chloe DID have Beca on a strict diet until she got back on her feet.

"How's that?" Chloe asked, sitting next to Beca on the bed.

"Perfect as always. Thank you." Beca leaned over and planted a chaste kiss on the redhead's cheek, making her blush.

"That's good. Now, I've got to make a few phone calls, okay? Just call out if you need me."

"Chlo, you CAN go into the office. I'll be okay."

"No, I can't. I have to stay here and look after you. If I need to go out, I'll get Stacie to come over and do it."

"I don't need a baby sitter."

"Would you prefer Aubrey?"

"That's a low blow, babe,"

"That's what I thought. Now, eat up and I'll be back in a bit." Chloe kissed Beca's head then left the bedroom.

Beca rolled her eyes and ate her lunch as she flicked through social media on her phone, seeing her fans wishing her a speedy recovery. Ever since the world found out about Beca's attack, Beca's phone had been blowing up. Her fans wrote to her and her colleagues tried to get a hold of her. Beca appreciated everyone's positive messages and sent out a small message thanking everyone for their support and how she was on the mend all thanks to her wonderful fiancée, which drove her fans crazy. Beca and Chloe's fans weren't the only people waiting for a Bhloe wedding.

Beca smiled at her fan messages, then was interrupted when Stacie called her.

"Hey, Stace," she answered.

"Hey, Becs, how are you holding up?"

"Good. I'm still in bed."

Stacie laughed softly. "That doesn't surprise me. Chloe's looking after you well."

"She's driving me insane. She won't let me do anything!"

"I know but it's for your own good. She was super freaked out when you got attacked and she worried like crazy so I say just let her be protective and it'll eventually pass."

"Come on, Stace, this is Chloe we're talking about."


"Anyway, what's happening with you?"

"Well, Bree's been driving me nuts because she wants to know when you two plan on getting married so she can do everything she needs to do as Chloe's Maid of Honour."

Beca laughed. "Classic Aubrey..."

"So, if you and Chloe would PLEASE work out a date before I kill my wife, that'll be great."

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