Chapter XVI

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The next morning was painful for Fat Amy. The Australian woke to sunlight shining in her face since she forgot to shut the bedroom curtains last night when she got back to her room. Fat Amy stirred, covering her eyes with her hand as she was greeted with a thumping headache. The woman groaned then curled the bedsheets around her before turning over away from the sun. Turning over brought her some relief but it quickly went away when Fat Amy realised that she wasn't alone in her bed. She opened her eyes and saw that she was with a man who was naked. The Australian was startled but happy that she had brought someone home with her last night, which was her plan.

Unfortunately, the Australian got extremely drunk the night before so any memory of the night was very distorted if there was any memory left at all. Once her eyes focused and once she became more aware, Fat Amy noticed that she was also naked. She smiled proudly but it quickly went away when she saw some familiar patterns on the man's back in front of her. He had quite a few freckles and a tan-line from wearing a t-shirt all day and if Fat Amy didn't know any better, she would say even a polo shirt since he had a tan on his neck but it wasn't as dark as the rest of his neck, indicating that he flicked up his collar from time to time.

The more Fat Amy studied the man, the more she began to recognise him. His hair was short, he had some weight to him, and he snored rather loudly. The Australian panicked and almost screamed when she looked over the man's shoulder to find that it was Bumper lying next to her. The blonde scrambled out of bed, yanking one of the bed sheets with her to cover her body. Fat Amy was quite confident with her body but at that moment she wanted to hide it from Bumper. The man had seen the blonde naked multiple times but he wasn't going to see her naked that morning.

"Mm..." Bumper stirred when Fat Amy ripped the sheet out from under him. "What's happening?" Bumper rolled onto his back and rubbed his eyes with a frown.

Like Fat Amy, Bumper was also met with a violent headache. He whined about it but stopped when he opened his eyes and saw Fat Amy wrap herself up with the bedsheet.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Bumper teased.

Fat Amy sighed with an eye roll. "It was just a drunken one-time thing, Bumper. Nothing more."

"Ah huh, that's what you said every other time, too. I've heard it all before, Amy. You say it's a one-time thing but yet you keep coming back for more - it's inevitable."

"You're such an idiot, you are!"

"Hey, I'm not the one who came onto me last night."

"What? No, you came onto me." The blonde corrected.

"Ha! Yeah, right! And I'm the King of England."

"It's the Queen of England, you moron. It doesn't matter anyway. What's done is done and it'll never happen again. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have a shower then get dressed." Fat Amy carried herself over to the ensuite and locked the door behind her.

Bumper just laughed and relaxed in bed, trying to ignore his headache.

"Ugh... I need some water..." Bumper got out of bed and threw on his boxer shorts that were lying on the ground with the rest of his and Fat Amy's clothes.

Once he slipped his shorts on, Bumper went out into the kitchen and got himself a water. He drunk it all and another glass after that. He tried looking for something to soothe his headache but he found nothing but instead, found a piece of paper on the kitchen floor. Bumper frowned curiously as he picked it up and once he read it, he dropped his glass, smashing it to pieces.

"No... No, no, no, no, no, no! No! NO!" Bumper lifted up his left hand and saw a gold ring on his ring finger.

"AMY!" Bumper ran back into the bedroom and banged on the ensuite door repeatedly.

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