Chapter XXXIX

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As soon as Chloe's meal came out, her hunger spiked and she ate like it was the last meal she was ever going to get. Xavier had actually never seen Chloe eat so quickly and it took him a bit by surprise but he was glad that the model was eating. She hadn't eaten since Beca got admitted into the hospital.

"Are you feeling a bit better?" Xavier asked, eating his meal.

"I don't really know. I mean, it's good that she woke up but the state she was in..." Chloe answered, remembering when Beca lashed out.

"Could you blame her though?"

"No, of course not. I just wasn't expecting it that's all."

"No, neither was I. I don't think any of us were. But do you feel any better knowing that she's okay?"

"A little I suppose. I guess I won't feel much better until she wakes up. This'll be Hell for her anxiety."

"She has anxiety?"

Chloe's eyes quickly shot up to Xavier's. "Shit... I wasn't meant to say that and you weren't meant to know that..."

"Oh, that's okay. I won't say anything. It doesn't surprise me though."

"It doesn't?"

"No. Beca's a world-famous artist so it's only natural that she experiences something like that. Also, when you told me about her panic attack those years ago, and the ones recently, it kinda clicked that she may have anxiety or something of the sort. But I'm glad I know because you know that my brother has anxiety so I know how to help people like that."

"Yeah, I do. But you know what Beca's like. She likes to keep herself to herself, the only exception being me. It's a pride thing."

"I know," he chuckled. "But the more people who'll know, the more help she'll get."

"I know and she knows that but she's seeing a psychologist who is helping her a lot and I've been helping her, too, and she's been doing well. She hasn't had a panic attack in a while and that's actually really amazing considering everything she's been going through with Collins."

"Yeah, that's really admirable. She's probably going to need a lot of help once she wakes up and gets back home."

"Definitely, but I'll be there for her as will her friends."

"Does anyone else know?"

"Just myself and Stacie only because Stacie's a nurse so she's great with that stuff. And now you know of course."

"So, tell me all about this Collins person. What exactly happened?"

"Well, it all started when she met Beca backstage at one of my previous campaigns..." Chloe began and ended up talking for a good hour to Xavier about Collins, Beca's anxiety, the stalking, the weird letters, and of course, the attack.

"Oh my God... Beca's been through a lot, hasn't she?" Xavier spoke.

"She sure has."

"You know that she's got you to thank for the majority, if not all, of her support, right?"

"Oh, I don't know. She's done pretty well on her own..." Chloe said with a small smile.

"Always so modest..."

Chloe giggled then looked at the time on her phone.

"Oh my God! We've been here for nearly two hours! We need to get back!" Chloe fretted.

"It's okay, Stacie would have called if Beca had woken up."

"I know but we really should get back. I've been away from her for too long." Chloe gathered her things and stood with Xavier by her side, then made her way back to the hospital with him.

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