Chapter XXIV

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After her shift, a tired Stacie Conrad walked through the front door of her apartment only to find her fiancée getting dressed in a hurry and packing a suitcase.

"Whoa, what's going on? Getting cold feet?" The nurse chuckled.

"Daddy's just had a heart attack!" Aubery answered, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Stacie froze but forced herself to speak.

"Oh, shit... Babe, I'm so sorry... When did it happen?"

"He was taken to the hospital ten minutes ago via ambulance. I haven't even had time to book a flight over there and who knows when the next one is!" Aubrey was frantically dressing herself and packing her bags at the same time.

"Babe, just stop for a moment," Stacie told her.

"I don't have time, Stacie!" Aubrey snapped.

"You need to calm down. You can't go see your father like this."

"I told you I don't have time!"


"No! It may be alright for you to just potter around but I can't! I know you hate him and I know you have differences but he's still my dad and I can't let the last memory of him to be us arguing about my wedding!" And just like that, Aubrey broke down into tears.

"Come here, baby," Stacie took her fiancée into her arms and held her tightly.

Aubrey let go and cried for the first time since she heard the news. Stacie tried hard not to cry herself but it was difficult. She always struggled to stay strong when Aubrey wasn't. Aubrey was usually the strong one and never let her guard down but when she did it crushed Stacie more than she could have explained.

"He'll be okay, baby," Stacie spoke softly.

"You don't know that."

"Well, I'm a nurse so when we get there and when I have a look at him and talk to the doctor I'll be able to tell whether or not he'll be okay."

"I'm so scared, babe... I... I just want him to be okay. I know he's got faults but he's still my dad and I love him."

"I know you do, baby. No matter what happens, it'll be okay."

Aubrey sniffed a few times before pulling away and wiping her eyes.

"Come on, let's finish getting packed. I know it's hard but try and take it easy. Everything will be okay, even if it's not, it'll be fine," Stacie encouraged.

Aubrey nodded. "Okay, I'll try."

"That's my girl." Stacie placed a gentle kiss on the blonde's head. "When was the last time you ate?"

"I'm not hungry, babe. I can't eat right now."

"I know you're not but it's important. I'll make you something or we'll get something on the way to the airport if we can catch a flight today."


Stacie gave Aubrey a small, comforting smile, then grabbed a bag for herself and began to pack.

"Does anyone else know?" Stacie asked, quickly changing out of her work clothes and into jeans, a t-shirt, and a jacket.

"No, mom called me and I started packing as soon as I hung up."

"Alright, I'm going to have to let work know that I won't be in. How long do you plan on staying over there for?"

"I don't know. Everything depends on his condition. Just pack for a few days and we'll get more stuff over there if we need to. We just need to hurry and get there then we can work everything else out then."

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