Chapter XV

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"You're a really good dancer, Benji!" Chloe smiled as she was dancing with the man on the dancefloor.

"Thanks! I don't mind dancing..." Benji chuckled.

"Well, you're good at it." Chloe smiled then was interrupted by Beca who raced over to her.


The redhead turned to her girlfriend.

"Oh! Hey, baby! Come to dance with me have you?" Chloe slipped her arms around Beca's neck.

"I need to talk to you. Now."

"Oh, okay..."

Before Chloe could say goodbye to Benji, Beca took the redhead away, leaving the man to dance by himself. Benji hadn't danced alone before and when Chloe left, his confidence depleted and he decided to save himself by going over to the bar and getting a drink. So, that's what he did. Pushing through the dancing crowd, Benji got to the bar and ordered a beer. He went to sit but accidentally stumbled back onto the person next to him, nearly spilling his beer.

"Oh, dear! I'm so sorry!" Benji apologised.

"No, that's okay!" The woman said then turned around.

"Emily?" Benji gasped.


"H, hi!"

"Hi!" Emily beamed. "Fancy seeing you here!"

"Yeah, likewise! How, uh... how've you been?" Benji scratched the back of his neck, which he did whenever he was nervous, that and stuttering and not being able to make proper sentences.

"I've been good. What about you?"

"Yeah, ah... good, I guess." He forced a smile.

"Listen, Benji, I'm sorry about what happened earlier with us. As I said, I just don't want to rush into anything right now."

"No, that's, that's fine. I, ah, I understand. How, ah, how long have you been doing magic for?"

"This week has been my first week at performing in Vegas."

"Oh, wow! Lucky you!"

"Thank you."

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, it's amazing. It's a bit scary at first but you just do what you're told and it's easy. I try not to focus on the crowd. They're all looking at the magician instead of the assistant anyway so that takes a bit of the pressure off as well."

"Yeah, well, I was looking at the assistant but..." Benji uttered quietly but Emily heard and it made her flush.

"Are you into magic, too? Your friend said that you were the other day."

"Ah, yeah, yes! Yes, I am."

"Awesome! How long have you been doing that for?"

"Ever since I was a kid."

"Wow! That's impressive!"

"Yeah, it's not too bad," Benji chuckled. "Ah, are you here alone?"

"Ah, no I'm here with some of my friends but they're all dancing. I just came from the dancefloor so I'm having a bit of a rest before I go back."

"Oh, you were just dancing? I was, too!"

"You were?"

"Yeah! I was dancing with one of my friends."

"Well, fancy us for coming here with our friends on the same night, huh?"

"Yeah," Benji laughed again. "Ah, can I get you another drink?" Benji pointed to Emily's empty martini glass.

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