Chapter XIII

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"Okay, so what are you going to say to her when you see her?" Jesse asked Benji as the two men and Bumper were back at the theatre where Emily was performing.

"Hi, sexy lady, let's go out and I'll show you a good time," Bumper answered cockily.

"No, don't say that," Jesse sighed. "Bumper, if you're going to be a part of this you have to be sensible."

"Sensible? I'm not sure I know that word..." The man teased.

Jesse just rolled his eyes. Jesse and Benji didn't mind Bumper but there was only so much of the man they could take. He was pretty much the opposite of Jesse and Benji and it was rather difficult to get along with him but Bumper had grown up a lot since they last saw him, well, in some areas anyway. Bumper was still much the same in others.

"Hi, you did really well out there today. I was wondering if you'd like to go out on a date with me?" Benji answered Jesse.

"Perfect! Remember to smile but not too much. Be confident and act natural," Jesse reminded him.

"There are so many rules."

"They're just tips - don't worry. Now, are you ready?"

"Yes," Benji breathed out nervously. "I'm ready."

"Atta boy! Now, go and get her. I'm right here,"


The men made their way backstage again and Benji's heart began to beat faster when he saw Emily. She was still as beautiful as the day before. Ever since yesterday, Benji hadn't been able to stop thinking about the young woman. She was on his mind when he went to sleep and when he woke up. He counted down the minutes to when he was going to see her again and now that the time was upon him, Benji was ready but also nervous.

"H, hi... Emily..." Benji waved, trying to be confident while Jesse and Bumper watched from a distance.

"Hi! Benji, right?" Emily greeted him with her bright smile and it made him weak at the knees.

"Y, yeah..."

"How are you?"

"Yeah, g, good... Ah... I was wondering if you... ah..."

"Come on, you can do it..." Jesse whispered to himself.

"Ah... I was thinking... You... a... m... d... movies... um..." Benji tried to get the words out but it turned into a mess instead.

"Are you asking me out?" Emily chuckled.

"Ah... Y, yeah. Yes, I am."

"Aww! That's so sweet! Um... It's just... I'm new to this whole... showbusiness thing and I didn't plan on rushing in on anything..." Emily replied awkwardly.

"Oh..." Benji nodded and feeling humiliated, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small ball and threw it onto the ground and tried to hide behind the smoke it emitted.

Jesse sighed and facepalmed. This is going to be a lot of work, he thought.

"Seriously, how hard is it to ask a girl out? I've asked plenty out in my time," Bumper boasted.

"Not everyone is like you, Bumper," Jesse spoke.

"Well, they should be. Just grab a girl and take her!"

"Listen, I know you're still hurting because of Amy, but try and be supportive towards Benji. You know he feels a lot and this is his first crush. We've got to do the best by him."

"I'm not still hurting because of Amy," the man was quick to get his back up.

"Sure, pal, whatever you say," Jesse chuckled then watched Benji trog back over to him. "Hey, bud, don't worry about it." Jesse put his arm around Benji's shoulders and walked with him.

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