Chapter XLI

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Several months had finally passed and it was the night of Beca and Chloe's bachelorette party. All of Beca and Chloe's friends were invited and they were all having a good time at one of the privately owned nightclubs in the city. Everyone was either dancing, drinking, or talking. No matter what they were doing, everyone was enjoying themselves, even Beca and Xavier who had been chatting for quite some time and enjoying one another's company. Xavier was actually a really funny guy who understood Beca's personality and her humour as Beca did with Xavier.

"Having a good time, baby?" Chloe asked, sitting down on Beca's lap when she returned from the dancefloor with Stacie and Fat Amy.

"I am. Are you?" Beca grinned, slipping an arm around her fiancée's waist.

"Yes, I'm having a wonderful time," Chloe giggled.

It was obvious that the model had a bit to drink as did most people, but Chloe was a lightweight so it didn't take her long to get a bit tipsy.

"Good. Although, I am still waiting on those strippers..." Beca told her.

Chloe tutted with a smile then pressed her lips hard against Beca's.

"Come dance with me," Chloe purred.

"But... Xavier and I are talking," Beca told her with a pleading look.

"Who knew you two would get along so well?" She giggled.

"It's a shock to me, too!" Xavier laughed.

"Come on, Becs. Dance with me then I'll take you into the bathrooms after and..." Chloe leaned in and whispered in Beca's ear.

Beca swallowed hard, feeling her cheeks heat up.

"Right, well, good chat, Xavier. I've gotta dance with my future wife now," Beca announced.

"Okay," he chuckled. "Have fun!"

Chloe pulled Beca up and over to the dancefloor where the redhead began dancing with her fiancée. Beca tried her best to keep up with Chloe since the model was exceptional at dancing. Beca would often get lost in Chloe's movements that she had forgotten to dance with her but Chloe quickly pulled the brunette back into reality and made her dance.

"Oh, look out! Team Conrad on the dancefloor!" Beca stated as Stacie and Aubrey joined them.

"Go, Bree!" Chloe cheered.

"Oh, yeah, ladies! It's party time!" Stacie told them then looked at her wife. "Now, let's dance shall we?"

Aubrey flushed then began dancing with her wife who was an amazing dancer. She danced quite sensually against the blonde, making the woman flush and core heat up, especially when Stacie did a slut drop and pushed her ass into Aubrey's crotch when she stood.

"Shit, Stace..." Aubrey said, nearly in the form of a moan.

"Like what you see, Mrs Conrad?" Stacie purred.

"I love what I see."

"Well, there's more where that came from."

Aubrey swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest as Stacie continued to dance. It was moments like those that Aubrey had a hard time believing that Stacie was her wife. The nurse was so beautiful, so intelligent, and so damn sexy it was unreal. Aubrey still didn't understand how she got so lucky.

"Come with me," Aubrey ordered, clasping Stacie's hand and pulling her off the dancefloor.

"Where are we going?" Stacie questioned.

"To the bathroom."

Stacie bit down on her smile and followed Aubrey into the bathrooms. Thankfully, there was an empty stall at the end. Aubrey opened the door, allowing Stacie to enter first.

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