Chapter VI

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Chloe was frozen. She didn't know what to do as Beca just stared at her with the most worried expression on her face. She didn't want the brunette to find her like this but there was nothing she could have done about it at that moment.

"Chloe baby, what's wrong?" Beca stepped forward and took the model's hands in hers.

"I... I thought... I thought that you were going to propose tonight," Chloe sobbed.

Beca didn't speak. She honestly didn't know what to say. Proposing wasn't on her mind at all. Yes, Stacie and Aubrey had just gotten engaged and Cynthia-Rose had a talk to her about it but Beca wasn't ready. Until now, Beca had no idea just how much Chloe wanted to get married and it crushed her.

"Chlo... I... I..." Beca tried to speak but it was quite difficult.

"It's fine, Becs," Chloe sniffed. "You're not ready - I get that but we've been dating for four years now and we haven't even had the talk about getting married."

"You... you want to get married now?"

"I'm ready to get married. I've been ready for a little while but if you're not then you need to tell me. We need to come to an understanding of where we are with that topic so that this kind of stuff doesn't happen."

Beca stood in silence for several moments before responding.

"I'm not ready," she uttered nervously. "Chlo, I love you but I'm not ready to get married. I'm still-"

"Getting used to this life," Chloe cut her off. "I know, you say it all the time. You've said it for the past four years. I don't mean to be rude, Becs, but I think you've got the hang of it and you're just scared to move forward - you're scared of commitment."

"Scared of commitment?" Beca frowned. "Chlo, I've been with you for four years! We live in the same house and we do everything together! I'm not scared of commitment at all!"

"Then why don't you want to get married?"

Beca didn't know how to answer that question so she didn't.

"Okay then." Chloe finished wiping her eyes and nose. "I'm gonna go home."


"No, I need to go home. I'm sorry, Becs. I love what you've done for our date but I just can't sit across from you and pretend to enjoy the rest of the night. I think it's best if I just go home and go to bed. It's been a long day for me. Thank you for the necklace - it's beautiful."

Chloe planted a soft kiss on Beca's cheek then left the bathroom, leaving Beca in a daze of confusion. She didn't know what just happened - she did but she didn't. Hurting Chloe was the last thing she wanted to do and she somehow managed to do it. Beca was so blind not to notice just how much Chloe wanted to get married and she had the perfect opportunity to make Chloe's dreams come true but she didn't. She had no idea until now and she was starting to hate herself for it. That's when she realised what just happened, which made her go after the model.

"Chloe, wait!" Beca ran out of the bathroom and saw Chloe powerwalking out of the area.

Beca took her heels off, allowing her to run after the redhead who she finally reached once they were outside.

"Chlo, wait!" Beca grabbed Chloe's hand just as Sammy opened the car door.

"I just want to go home, Beca," Chloe sniffed.

"Then I'm coming with you. You're not going home on your own like this, especially on our anniversary."

"Fine," Chloe turned away and sat in the car and Beca followed in behind her.

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