out burst

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The bell indicating that school was over rang as your whole class rushed out the doors.

Your best friend caught up with you and put her arm around your shoulder. "Hey, wanna go to the mall today, hang out for a bit?"

You shake your head. "I'm sorry B/F/N, I really would like to, but I've been gone for two days, and I need to catch up on some homework. I really wish I could, though." You say apologetically.

She smiles. "Oh, well that's ok! Maybe another time. See ya later, Y/N." She says and walks away.

You sigh, wondering how you got a cheerful and upbeat best friend. You walked to your locker and put your books away.

"Y/N!" You hear your brother, Jimin, call you from afar. You smile at him and go over to where he was.

"Hey, what's up?" You ask.

"I have something after school today so I can't drive you home like I always do, but I asked my friend, Jungkook if he would do it and he said he would, do es driving you home today."

You immediately feel your cheeks heat up, and butterflies flutter at the thought of him. You've had a huge crush on Jungkook for a long time, and you didn't really know if he liked you back or not.

Just as Jimin was finishing his sentence, Jungkook comes and stands next to him. He smiles and waves at you. "Hey, Y/N."

You smile back at him trying not to blush.

"Well, I'm gonna go. Y/N behave. See ya later, Kookie." He says before walking down the hall, leaving you and your crush alone.

There's a couple seconds of an awkward silence before he speaks. "Let's go?" He asks, and you nod.

You follow him to the parking lot and to his car. He opens the passenger seat door for you and you get in. He gets in and starts the car.

He starts driving and none of you say a word. It feels uncomfortable and awkward for you.

The air conditioning was blowing on you, and you started to feel a bit cold. Jungkook notices and looks at you. "Are you cold?"

You slightly nod while looking down. He chuckles and turns down the air conditioning. You mumble a thank you and look out the window.

He taps your shoulder and you look at him. "Do you like this song?" He asks while turning up the volume on the radio.

You hear the song 'Dream Girls' by IOI on the radio. You personally hated that song and thought it was the most annoying song ever.

"Oh my god, no!" You say and turn the radio down. He laughs. "Really? Why not?"

"Umm, maybe because that's the most annoying Kpop song I've ever heard." You say, and he scoffs playfully.

"Why is it annoying? I love this song!" He says, and turns it back up.
You cover your ears.

"No please! My little sister played this song non stop for two full months and I really hate this song now!" You complain and he just laughs.

The song ends, and another song comes on. 'Cheer Up' by Twice.

"Ok, now this is my song!" You say and start singing along to the radio.

"I bet you can't do 'shy shy shy' better than me!" Jungkook says, and you scoff. "You wanna bet."

"Sure. Whoever does it better buys the winner a milkshake." He says, and you nod. "Deal."

The first time that part comes up, he quickly takes his hands of the steering wheel and does it, putting his hands back on the wheel quickly after.

"I swear that was the cutest thing ever!" You say, and he smiles and thanks you.

"But I bet I can be cuter." You finish, and he looks at you. "Ok, whatever."

You wait for Sana's part to come up again. When it finally comes up, your aegyo mode turns on. "Shy, Shy, shy."

A pink blush comes in Jungkook's cheeks. "Ok, you win! That was adorable." He says, and you chuckle. "I know." You flip your hair off to the side, and he laughs.

You both spent the rest of the car ride singing to songs and laughing together until he stopped at your house.

"Well, this is it." You sigh, and he nods as you get out of the car

"Thank you so much. That was a lot of fun." You say smiling, and he smiles back. "I had fun too, Y/N." He says.

You wave at him and start to walk to your front door, but you really had something to tell him.

You were about to shrug it off and walk away, but you just couldn't.

You turned around and looked at him.

"You know what? I can't do this anymore. I've been keeping this in for so long because I thought it would ruin our friendship, but I just can't anymore." You take a step closer to his car.

"Jungkook, I like you, a lot. I don't want you to be my friend anymore, I want you to be my boyfriend, and you probably don't feel the same way about me but-"

Your rant was cut off by Jungkook pulling your wrist and kissing you. You were in shock at first, but then slowly kissed him back.

The kiss lasted for a few seconds, the you both pulled away. He smiles. "I like you too." He whispers, almost out of breath.

You look at him shocked. "Wait, really?"

He nods, that cute smile never leaving his face. "Yeah. I really like you, Y/N, and I agree on what you said. I want to be your boyfriend."

You smile at him and he kisses you again.

"So does this mean..." You point at him and you, hoping he gets what you mean.

He nods, chuckling. "Yes, Y/N. From now on, you are officially my girlfriend."

You smile. He restarts his car. "See you tomorrow, babe." He emphasized the word 'babe', which made you blush madly, then drove away.

You stood at the side of the road, trying to process what just happened. "Am I dreaming?" You pinched yourself.

"This is real!!" You exclaim, the run into your house to text your friend about what just happened.

Hey guys, sorry for the suuuuuuper late update. Grade 9 is a lot of work, and I haven't got any time to write, plus I've been sick for the past couple of days😷🤒

Hope you liked this one!


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