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You blew your nose for the ten billionth time and put the tissue in the garbage can. "Ugh, I hate being sick *sniff*" You complain in a sick voice.

Jungkook comes into the living room with a cup of tea in his hand. He sets it on the coffee table in front of you. "I wish I didn't have to leave you alone all day." He sits beside you.

"Kook, you have to go to *cough* *cough* work. Don't worry about me." You weakly smile at him.

He gives you a small smile, then kisses your forehead. "I'll try to be home earlier than usual. Get lots of sleep and drink water. That usually helps." He says, and you just nod, considering your throat hurts like hell.

He gives you one last kiss on your cheek before heading towards the door. "Go back to sleep." He says, and you nod while walking up the stairs.

The front door closes and you slowly walk up the stairs. You go in the bedroom you share with your husband and lay down while wrapping yourself up under the covers.

You tried to fall asleep, but it was difficult since Jungkook wasn't next to you. He usually cuddles with you until you fall asleep at night. Without him, the bed felt empty.

After 20 minutes of just laying there, you finally fall asleep.

When you woke up again, it was 11:45 am. You went to sleep around 9 am. Your throat was still in pain and yoir nose was still stuffed up. No difference from when you slept. You just had a huge headache now.

"Maybe I should take a bath." You walk towards the bathroom, thinking a relaxing bath would help with the headache. You fill the tub up with hot water.

After taking off your pjs, you slip into the hot water, and the heat already relieves the pain of your headach a bit.

You lay there and relax for about 30 minutes then get ready for the day. Sweatpants and a sweater is what you wore.

You go downstairs and drink some orange juice with a bowl of cereal.

You check your phone to see some messages from Jungkook.


Y/n? Are you awake? Text me back when you are.
Sent 2 hours ago

Jungkook ❤

Are you feeling better? Did the nap help?
Sent 45 minutes ago

You can tell by his text messages that he's worried about you. You don't hesitate to text him back.

You: dont worry, im fine. The nap helped a bit, but my throat still hurts and my nose is still stuffed up.

He texts back right away.

Jungkook❤: oh :( i asked mina if she could drop by to hang out and see how you're doing. She should be there in a couple of minutes.

You: won't she get sick because of me?

Jungkook❤: she said not to worry about it. She'll be there to distract you :)

You: The door bell just rang, its probably her.

Jungkook❤: ok, I'll see you later

You close your phone before putting it on the coffee table beside the couch. You open the door, and Mina is standing there.

"Hey, Y/N. Are you feeling ok? Jungkook told me you were sick." She immediately starts worrying about you. You let her in and you both sit on the couch.

"No *cough* not really. My throat hurts whenever I talk." You say, and she gives you a confused look.

"Then why are you talking? Rest your voice, Y/N, then you'll get better. Here." She hands you a note pad and a pen that Jungkook left on the coffee table. "Write down what you want to say on the notepad to rest your voice. You can't speak until your throat is fully healed. Got it?"

You nod as a response.

"Be lucky you got yourself a guy like Jungkook. He called me when he was at work to come over here and be with you. And I'm here, still single." She leans back on the couch. You take the pen and write in the notebook.

Don't worry, you'll find yourself a guy. I bet someone already has their eyes on you. Mina shakes her head. "I highly doubt that."

Stop being so hard on yourself. With your personality and good looks, I'm sure you'll find a guy. She smiles at your note. "K Dramas?" She geastures towards the tv. You nod.

You watch K Dramas until it was time for Mina to go home. Just after she leaves, the front door opens again, and Jungkook walks in.

"Hey." He was about to kiss your lips, but you put your hand over them. "I'm sick, remember?" You whisper, since you didn't want to write in the notebook anymore.

He removes your hand from your mouth and gives you a sweet kiss anyways. "I don't care." He sits next to you on the couch. You take the notebook, since your throat was in excruciating pain when you talk.

I don't want you to get sick. You show him the message. He smiles. "I won't get sick, it's just one kiss. Besides, if I get sick, you'll be able to take care of me."

You scoff as you get up and walk to the kitchen to get a drink of water.

You can hear him chuckle from the other room.

You don't have the sniffles anymore, it's just your throat. It'll be better by tomorrow. Jungkook comes into the kitchen. "Did you eat anything today?"

You grab the note book and a pen. Just a bowl of cereal for breakfast. He frowns. "I'll make some thing. Go sit down." You obey him and sit in the living room.

He came back 15 minutes later with a bowl of soup in his hands. He sits next to you. He scoops some up with the spoon and holds it up to your mouth.

"Let me feed you." You have no voice so you can't protest. You open your mouth and let him feed you.

Jungkook took care of you for the rest of the night. He cuddled with you and watched a movie with you until you fell asleep in his arms.

Hello, beautiful creatures! This one is kinda lame, but i have a better idea for the next one so it'll be good.


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