clingy girlfriend

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You are home alone since your boyfriend, Jungkook, was away on tour. He comes back in a week, and you could hardly wait.

But the thing that concerns you is that he hasn't texted you since a couple days ago. You were wondering why he was suddenly not talking to you, since normally he would be texting you and calling you every day.

You texted him to see what was up.

You: hey
You: you haven't texted or called since a few days ago.
You: is everything ok?

He texts back right away.

Kook💓: hey, babe, sorry for ignoring you, we've just been really busy and I just didn't have time to call or message you. Plus I didnt have data for a while.

You: oh, well thanks for letting me know ur still alive😀😂


You: wanna Skype or call now then?

Kook💓: srry babe, I can't. I'm going out with the boys in a couple of minutes.

You: oh, really? Where?

Kook💓: we're going to get a couple of drinks.

You: oh, ok.

Kookie💓: srry😕

You: it's fine

Kook💓: r u sure?

You: Yeah

Kookie: I don't think so...

You: I'm ok, really

Kook💓: babe, I can tell when ur mad.

You: how?

Kookie: normally ur super chatty and cheerful, but you seem quiet rn.

You: I'm not mad

Kook💓: babe...

Kookie💓: y/n?

Kook💓: y/n, I know ur there.


Kook💓: I knew it.

You: its bc I feel like you'd rather be out getting drunk with your friends...

You: than stay and talk with me

You: and I missed u so much

You: i know this is weird and I'm being a clingy and annoying girlfriend.

You: but it's the truth😔

Kook💓: babe

You: what?

Kook💓: u wanna know why I didn't have data for a while?

You: why?

Kook💓: I took an early flight home.

Kook💓: bc I missed my annoying and clingy girlfriend.


Kook💓: yeah🙂

Kook💓: so instead of moping on your phone all day, come open the front door.

You immediately put your phone down and go downstairs to open your front door.

There he was, the love of your life, Jeon Jungkook, standing there smiling at you. You jump into his arms, and he wraps his arms around your waist.

He pulls away slightly and cups your face before kissing your lips. You kiss him back, and you can feel him smiling a bit.

You both pull away and look at each other. You smile. "I missed you." He rubs his nose against yours. "I missed you more."

You help him put his luggage inside and make some ramen for the both of you. You both sit at the table, and eat while talking.

Later, the two of you were laying in bed as Jungkook was stroking your hair gently and you were drawing tiny circles on his chest.

You sigh. "Was BTS done with the tour when you left?" He looks at you, the looks up at the ceiling again. "No."

You sit up. "So you're telling me that you left your schedules and meetings and concerts just to be here with me?" He nods.

"Why?" You were confused. He chuckles. "When I was there, at first it felt amazing, to perform and meet all the armies. But after a week, I started missing you like crazy, to the point where I started seeing you in the in front row seats at our concerts, seeing you in the crowd at the airport, seeing you in line at the fan meetings, I started seeing you everywhere. All of this drove me crazy and I just had to come home. The rest of the members agreed and sent me home. I missed you too much, Y/N. That's why I came home." He said, and you smile.

You lay down on his chest just like you were before. "I missed you too. A lot." You closed your eyes as you were getting ready to sleep.

"Aww~, my girlfriend missed me?" He cooed while tickling your cheek a bit. You squirmed as you were falling asleep and snuggled closer to him.

Jungkook chuckled and kissed your forehead.

"Goodnight princess."

Hey, guys! I blessed you guys today with a double update😁!Your welcome! ('What can I sayy except, your welcome~~' sorry, I am in love with that song rn😂)


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