Chapter VII

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"How much do you think I should unpack, babe?" Stacie asked as she moved the final box into Aubrey's apartment.

The time had finally come for Stacie to leave New York and to move to L.A. She had just finished unpacking her belongings from the removalist truck, which wasn't much. Living in an apartment with Fat Amy she didn't have a lot of things. She left all of the furniture with the Australian so all she really needed to pack were her clothes, shoes, and other small things that she owned. It was sad to leave her friend behind and her work friends but Stacie was looking forward to starting her new life with her finacée.

"Well, you can unpack your clothes and stuff. I've set aside a few drawers for you and other space that you might need. It's up to you." Aubrey answered. "I don't think we'll be getting a house any time soon so you can unpack everything if you like."

"Okay." Stacie grabbed her boxes that held her clothing and started unpacking and putting her clothes in the spaces that Aubrey had given her.

Stacie couldn't help but smile when she was folding her clothes and putting them in her new set of drawers. Her smile then broadened when she felt a pair of arms slip around her waist and a head rest on her shoulder blade. Since Stacie towered over Aubrey, the blonde wasn't able to put her chin on the brunette's shoulder but that didn't stop Aubrey from holding Stacie like she needed to.

"Hello, future Mrs. Conrad," Stacie spoke.

"Hello, Miss Conrad. Are you liking your new home so far?"

"I'm loving my new home so far. I can't wait until we find a nice house together that we can call our own."

"Me, too. Now that you're living here I want you to think of this place as yours. You live here just like I do so this is your home now. What's mine is yours."

"Are you sure you don't want to hang onto your freedom a little while longer before we make that statement official?"

Aubrey tutted. "No. You're going to be my wife so there's no harm in getting an early start."

Stacie turned around to face the blonde.

"Say that again," the brunette purred and Aubrey knew exactly what she was talking about.

"My wife,"

Stacie's smile got bigger. "Again,"

"My. Wife." Aubrey leaned in and brushed her lips against her fiancée's.

"Mm..." Stacie hummed, coiling her arms around the shorter woman's waist and pulling her forward. "I can't wait for our special day."

"Me, too." Aubrey planted a chaste kiss on the nurse's lips. "There is one matter I need to discuss with you though,"

"Oh? What's that?" Stacie leaned back to look at the shorter woman.

Aubrey grabbed Stacie's left hand then said, "your engagement ring."

Stacie beamed again. "Well, looks like we'll have to sort that out quick smart then, won't we?"

"Looks like we will." Aubrey leaned up and gave the nurse another kiss. "I want to get one before we go to Chloe's campaign tomorrow."

"Alright. How about I finish unpacking everything then we can go out and get one?"

"Sounds good."

The couple shared another kiss then resumed packing away Stacie's things.


"There she is!" Fat Amy practically leaped onto Beca once she got through the front door of her house.

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