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Third Person’s POV

Back at the island’s mansion, everything was silent in the communications room. Everyone arrived in time to see Robert holding Cate in his arms, and they simply couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

That could not be happening.

They could not have lost Catherine.

Everything was upside down.

They were surrounded by people and the most likely was for all of them to lose their freedom definitely.

“CATE! No… NO!” Tori yelled as soon as she realized what happened. Martin quickly held her body, Olivia had Simon’s arm around her as well.

“Rob…” Bea whispered “Robbie, come here. Don’t go…” she sobbed “Maybe it’s all just another trap” She tried to convince him as he furiously went to the place, carrying Cate, and was about to take off to Rome.

“It’s no trap now. He wants me there. He wants everyone to see this.” Robert spoke in a cold voice. “The UN is there?”

Mrs. Barlow quickly approached Bea “They’re about to be”

“CIA, uh?” He quickly replied, taking his mask off.

Mrs. Barlow’s eyes widened, she had never seen his face before. He looked so… familiar.

“Yes.” She whispered

“Everyone in there better not have a single scratch” he spoke in a cold tone

“Rob…” Olivia spoke “Don’t go. I don’t wanna lose you. I’d be better locked up but knowing you’re ok and alive”

“We’ve come too far not to finish this.” Robert spoke

Mrs. Barlow spoke “I’ll talk to the UN’s ambassadors and see what we can do…”

“Wow… I’m surprised”

“All of us want to stop that director”

“All of you want to stop me" Robert spoke

“That is true, as well”

Robert looked down, not saying any other word.

Mrs Barlow freely walked around the room, watching everything and desperately waiting for reinforcements to come. She could not decide alone.

She was quite surprised though. They didn’t seem evil, at all. They seemed normal people… if that makes sense.

“Why did this Robert changed his mind?” She sat next to Olivia, who looked at her, unsure

“Changed his mind… about what?”

“I mean… after everything he did. I know he was under the director’s orders. At least I can assume that, but…”

“But he had no other chance other than follow his orders. He never killed an innocent people and if you and all you, the good guys, think about it, you know it’s true” Olivia said, stress, anger and sorrow taking the best of her. “And when he refused, when he disobeyed the first time, the entire organization turned against him. We all just want our freedom.”

“Why did he became a terrorist in the first place then?!” Mrs. Barlow asked, indignant “He chose it in the first place.”

“We all just wanted revenge. We all just wanted to fight against the hell life presented to us.” Olivia whispered

“Can I have your files?”

Olivia looked at her, unsure.

“We don’t have anything to lose, anymore” Simon whispered in Olivia’s ear, sadness all over his voice.

Change in a Heartbeat (RDJ)Where stories live. Discover now