Unkown messages

877 39 7

Beatrice’s POV

I was breathing hard, I can’t take it anymore.

It is too much!


I don’t know how Olivia or Catherine can take this. Specially Catherine!

“Robert!” I cried out loud

He smirked at me, stopping and walking back to my spot “What’s wrong babe? Already tired?!”

“Oh don’t mock me!” I said, breathless.

“You will get more resistant over the time baby” He grabbed my hand softly “You are not used to this kind of physical exercise”

“I hate you” I breathed “You get stabbed, you get shot, you almost bleed to death and you’re here, running faster than the speed of light, swimming miles per day and climbing and jumping trees” I frowned

He smiled “You’re missing the night exercises”

I looked at him “Well, I think you’ll start exercising alone at night! If I carry on like this, I won’t be able to move!”

His eyes widened “Oh?” he smirked “I’ll give you one of those massages… you’ll get really… relaxed” his whisper, in my ear, gave me chills.

I smiled “Such a dork”

He leaned into a kiss “Do some stretching and finish for today, baby. Go home and get in the shower. I’ll stick around for just a little more… and then I’ll go join you” he kissed my neck

I bit his ear before whispering “I’ll be waiting”

He smirked at me and slowly took his shirt off.

I bit my lip “I thought that…”

“I’m going to swim for a little while”

I looked at him, he’s doing it on purpose. That damn sexy idiot.

These last days have been simply perfect.

He opened up to me.

He told me everything.

All his plans and everything he is willing to try.

Honestly, I don’t like many of them, but at least he told me. He hasn’t told anyone else.

He has been teaching me basic stuff. Besides the physical exercise and small training, he taught me how to hack someone, obviously not these big organizations, but a simpler hack. He taught me how to move inside the already hacked information on the terrorist organization as a ghost and read their plans.

As he told me, he also didn’t know much, only the basic. His sister was the genius. She knew far more.

But, for what he had in mind, we also didn’t need much. I honestly think his idea is a genius move. However, I think it can go either too well or too bad. I also know that, when it’s down to Robert, nothing can ever go that wrong.

I just feel so happy he’s telling me everything. That we are doing this together. I still think we should ask for the group’s help, but he thinks that, on this specific plan, it is better to stay quiet right now. I know what he is doing, he will act as if he is alone. If it goes bad, I just know he won’t ever put anyone else in risk.

As to the group, we have all been working on getting some of the director’s plans destroyed. He has some attacks planned. A train derailment, a plane explosion, some bombings here and there, he even has a blacklist of people to get killed (yeah, Robert is the first of the list).

All of this has just became too exciting for me. Terrifying, yet exciting. I feel like I am part of it now, I feel like I am doing something, that I am helping!

And I love Robert for letting me do this.

It was later that day, after an amazing bath with Robert and an afternoon of plans with the group, that I joined Robert in our bedroom for us to work a little by ourselves now.

“Do you think it is safe, what we are planning?” I asked Robert, who was concentrated on the laptop

He turned to me “I wouldn’t say safe, baby. But I can manage it. Particularly with Catherine’s help” he smiled at me

We were starting to make plans to assault a bank and kidnap its owner. Then to invade a property and a train and also kidnap some important men.

“They would be good for us. A good card to play, baby. And not only to screw the director’s plans” he smiled at me.

I kissed him “Love you”

“Hmmm love you too, baby”

“So, what is there for me to do today?” I put my arms around his neck

“Remember our attempt of hacking we were trying to do?”


“I think I just succeed” he smiled “And, you have done an incredible job on finding out the director’s origins, baby. I’m really proud of you”

I blush intensely “I guess… I’ll continue doing that”

“Wait. I think I am going to talk to them. Let's leave them a message”

I looked at him “To the…?”

“Yes” he interrupted him

I immediately joined him

This idea was brilliant, as I said. But it really makes me nervous.

Third Person’s POV

The middle aged woman walked furiously around the halls of the building and soon reached the main investigation room of the Central Intelligence Agency.

“What has happened after all?!” she snapped

Everyone turned their attention to her, but remained silent under their director’s gaze.

“Uhhhh… I think we have been hacked. And we also received an unknown message. And we cannot detect its location or its source”

It the big screen, the message said: I know too much

“Is it possible to reply or contact it back in anyway?!” She asked

“This could also be a trap”

Before any of them could say anything, another message was received: Plane outrage. 15th August. Washington.

Everyone gasped in a room.

“How can we even trust this… person?!”

“WHO IS THIS PERSON?!” The director yelled “GET THAT INFORMATION, NOW!” She took a deep breath.

After all, this person could be whether lying or saying the truth. A plane outrage was not something to be ignored!

“Alright…” the shorter man looked down “We will do our best, Mrs. Barlow”


What do you think?

What is Robert really planning?

Will they get caught?

And who is this Mrs. Barlow? (isn't that such a familiar name?) Muahahaha!

Stay tuned!

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