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Beatrice’s POV

I was shaking, holding Robert’s face as I watched Olivia with a bundle of tweezers and blades, performing a medical surgery on him

“Have you ever done this before?” I asked, shaking

“Yes.” She whispered, concentrating on Robert’s wound “It is not the first time he gets shot”

I softly nodded, feeling useless.

I wanted to help Robert, I wanted to do something!

Yet, I can do nothing more than stand here and watch.

“We escaped the director’s men.” Catherine appeared next to us “Want any help, Olivia?” she asked

“No, this is the last bullet” she whispered

I looked at Catherine as well “Do you all know how to do this kind of things? I mean… isn’t it dangerous?”

“It is. I mean, we are no doctors. We just follow the procedure and be careful with possible ways of infection. But it is not like we are very aware of anything else.” She looked at me

“We study it” Olivia whispered “I wouldn’t gamble with his life just because we can’t show up in a hospital.” She said, taking a deep breath and finally pulling out the last bullet “I may not be aware of many things, but I would never do something I am not sure of, Bea. Don’t worry” she whispered

I nodded “I trust you” I half smiled

“Are you ok, Saunders?” Catherine turned to my father, who was holding himself in a corner, still scared

“I am”

“No bruises? No injuries?”


“Let me take a look” Catherine walked towards him as Olivia was finished with Robert.

I helped her putting some ligatures over his abdomen and shoulder and then we cleaned his body and finally let him rest. I never left his side, I pulled a blanket over him and laid down next to him as well.

“Please be ok, Robbie” I whispered

Catherine approached us and took a sit “Your father is still in shock.”

I shrugged.

I really don’t want to think about my father. I don’t even want to talk to him, or I may explode.

I will never forget the fact that, if it wasn’t for him, Robbie would have never left.

He wouldn’t be in this state right now.

“You know, Robert will be just fine” she smiled at me “He’s been through worse”

I looked at her. It was hard for me to believe her. It was as if she was saying it was nothing when I am looking at his unconscious form with three bullet holes and pretty beaten up.

“We were always a bit… competitive, I would say.” She smiled at me “But, deep down, we always admired each other. He is one hell of a man, a great one”

I smiled.

I know he is.

“I just… want him to wake up and make sure he’s fine” I whispered, noticing Olivia approaching

“Take this, we haven’t eat in a really long time” she handed me a sandwich and some juice. “I know he’s your father, Bea. But I really want to kick his ass for manipulating my brother”

Change in a Heartbeat (RDJ)Where stories live. Discover now