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Mrs. Barlow POV

“How far are we?!” She asked the pilot

“According to these coordinates, I’d say half an hour or so.” He answered “But it is right in the middle of the ocean, Mrs. Barlow, I don’t believe we….”

“Just do your job…” She said, taking a deep breath

Robert’s POV

I had left Catherine back in the plane as I was about to break in a building, in our new mission.

“You are brilliant, sometimes, you know?” Catherine said in my ear. We were, as usual, using intercommunication as well as the people in the mansion.

“I would be careful Cate, Bea is right here next to me” Simon quickly said

I smiled as Cate continued “I am not telling her any new, I believe”

“Right, you aren’t” I heard Bea’s voice

“Alright, I found a way in, any notifications?” I asked as used the pick lock to unlock the back gate. Everything was dark and kind of cold in this…

“Austrian lands are pretty calm” I commented

“Robert…” I heard Simon’s unsure tone

“What’s wrong?”

“We can’t detect any signal from there. There is no one there…” Bea finished

“What?” I frowned as I entered. I saw the cameras but heard no alarms as I stood in front of one, testing the place.

“What?!” Cate asked in a confused tone.

I kept exploring the place, realizing it was indeed, empty. There was no one around.

Lots of theories and ideas were starting to cross my mind. I am not enjoying this, not a little bit.

“I’m going to meet you” Cate said in my ear.

Beatrice’s POV

My mind was a complete mess. I was completely confused about what was going on in that Austrian building, yet, I can’t stop thinking about everyone around me and the danger we are all in.

And I can’t bring myself to tell anything.

When Olivia said she was able to erase this island again from the satellite, only a few hours after it happened, everyone seemed so relieved. Yet, they had no idea of my little mistake.

“Guys…” Martin said in a worried tone “is this some kind of trap?”

“I have no idea” Simon spoke

“Can my locator reach the entire building, Simon?” Robert’s voice echoed through our systems.

“No, maybe you it’s better to search the entire place”

“Yes, we will. But if there was anyone here they would have already appeared. We let the cameras detect us” Cate spoke

“That is true” I whispered

“Holy shit!” Olivia snapped


“Our alarms went off! Someone’s here!”

My eyes widened, I gulped

“WHAT?!” I heard Robert’s voice from the other side.

“DON’T STOP YOUR MISSION!” Martin yelled “We’ll hand things over here” he said, quickly running to get all of us weapons.

Change in a Heartbeat (RDJ)Where stories live. Discover now