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Robert’s POV

Adrenalin rushed my entire body. I ran throughout the roads of Venice, my clothes all messy after I got dressed in two seconds, my legs kicking who ever got in my way and running from the ones still chasing me, my hands holding the gun I had used to kill a guy in front of Beatrice and… that was exactly where my mind was.


Everything else, all that uproar and big chase after me were just a secondary issue in my mind.

Oh, I had done what I pretended.

I was now very sure that she hated me.

And has much as that killed me inside, I knew that, right now, she is safer with Derek Williams. She might be the unhappiest woman in the world, but she is safer with him than she would ever be with me.

I honestly don’t know what is best at this point.

I do know one thing. The time is coming.

The time I waited all my life is approaching. However, it is also the time I most fear.

I don’t know how many men were after me, but by the end of the day, I was finally able to lose them. I swam for a long time, out of that city, where my team was waiting for me in our plane. I climbed inside after they threw the necessary material at me.

Quickly, I noticed my sister waiting for me.

She threw a towel over my wet back and hugged me tight “Robbie” she kissed my cheeks

I held her tight to me, I knew she was mad. She was mad at me but missing me, just as much as I missed her.

“You are so stupid sometimes, Robert” she snapped, still holding my body tight against hers

“Everything will be alright”

“No, you might have screwed the change to get what you want, this time”

I frowned “How, exactly?! Everything will be fine, Liv, I didn’t get caught, I just exposed myself.”


My eyes closed. Martin’s voice was approaching.

I broke the hug and glanced at him as he looked at me furiously


“Easy, will you?!” I said

“You’re not understanding, Robert. You didn’t just expose yourself, that would not be the problem.” Simon Oliver appeared right after Martin

“I did my job. We hacked Williams, we were able to get into their systems. Fisher’s systems” I defended myself

“Exactly, that was your job! Nothing else!” Martin yelled “Not getting involved with his wife, not getting Fisher to suspect our proximity!”

“How did he find out?”

“Well I don’t know… lemme think…” Martin said, furiously “Maybe because you were stupid enough to get in a public place with Williams' wife?!” he snapped “MAYBE because you weren’t just seen with her, you were seen having sex with her?!”  

My eyes widened, my anger increasing as well. Not because he was wrong, but because of the way he was talking about Beatrice.

“I paid a fair amount of money to the man of the gondola.” I sighed, getting my mistake. Someone probably paid him more “Well, I guess I have to settle a few things back in Venice”

Change in a Heartbeat (RDJ)Where stories live. Discover now