The doctor's life

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Third Person’s POV

Robert expertly broke into the room and silently moved around, not dropping the phone from his ear

“Your job does not involve that lady, McCoy”

“And what is not part of my job, you have no comment to make, right Martin?” Robert calmly started to set up cameras around the room

“As long as it does not influence your job, I agree” Martin said

“Put it in conference call, tell me if the view is good” Robert spoke, spotting Derek William’s laptop “I’m going to hack him, meanwhile”

“You are shameless, McCoy” The voice of Simon Oliver echoed in his ears

He frowned “You should get your ass ready. It will be kicked hard as soon as I see you, Oliver”

“The third camera needs to be pulled a little to the left” Simon said “But why’s that, Bobby?”

“Yeah, Bobby me now. I know you have been sharing boy fluids with my sister.”

“Technically, we used protection”

“Enough talk guys, seriously?” Olivia McCoy spoke

“Right, we are going to have a conversation, sis” Robert spoke

“Robbie, c’mon” Olivia said “It is not like you are any better”

“Don’t turn it on me, sis”

“Yeah, hitting on a married woman is highly inappropriate” Simon chuckled

“Do you really want to discuss that?” The man closed the laptop and stood up “Besides, if her husband does not satisfy her, I’d be more than willing to”

“There, I said it. Shameless” Simon spoke

“I am done here, boss” Robert took a deep breath

“Good job, McCoy. Check out what you hacked and pass us the info” Martin spoke

“Yes, boss.

*with Beatrice Saunders*

She was surprised with the ladies waiting for her with a homosexual man. She had no idea who they were, but they apparently recognized her.

Old clients of Derek, as she was told.

They were actually nice and welcomed her well. They helped her refreshing her irritated mind out of those unhappy moments last night and tempted thoughts from the morning.

During the afternoon, they almost dragged her for a walk around the city, which she quite enjoyed. It was only later that some of their husbands joined them all.

Derek did not call her once. But she did not want to get irritated anymore.

She would just enjoy her honeymoon with the bunch of people she was with. How nice!

Robert’s POV

I fixed my tie in front of the mirror, before putting my suit jacket on and I was ready to leave.

“Are you guys there?” I asked, checking if my small earphone was working

“Yes, Mr. sensual” My sister answered

“Why Oliver, sis?” I asked, leaving my room and heading to the restaurant downstairs.

“Seriously, that conversation again, Robert?”

“Well, you’re my little sister”

“Who is more responsible than you”

“I’m wounded” I spoke surreptitiously as I started to get surrounded by people.

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