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Beatrice’s POV

I decided to go up to my bedroom, since it was late in the night and the poor woman seemed to be better now. She choked in her own food, I had never seen such a thing. She would have died if Robert did not appeared to help.

Robert. Well, he seemed to disappear after all that uproar. Maybe he went to finish whatever he was starting with that blond Italian girl, at the dinner table.

Who am I to blame him?

He’s a player, I know that.

I won’t let myself go too close, I do not want to risk and fall into his trap.

But… at the same time, I do.


Well. I am on my honeymoon.


Where the hell is my husband?

I didn’t see him for the entire day.

And I haven’t forgotten about that frustrating night.

I took a deep breath and went to bed, tomorrow would be a new day.

I heard the door opening, though, after some time.

I wasn’t sleeping yet, but I did want to pretend to be so I didn’t have to talk to him.

“Beatrice…” Derek spoke

I frowned, not replying.

When he insisted, I decided to sit on the bed, ready to start an argument.

But when I saw his lip swollen and blood coming out of his nose, all of that washed away.

“What happened?!”

He took a deep breath “I… some guys, came out of nowhere. You know… typical robbery”

I took a deep breath and walked to the bathroom with him, to take care of that face.

“I will go tomorrow to the police station to make sure they are arrested”

“That is useless, and you know that”

“I’m Derek Williams, I can do it”

I rolled my eyes “Whatever. I’m going with you, though”

“No, it is alright. I’m going alone while you enjoy your time here”

“Right. Enjoy my time here alone”

He looked at me, serious “I’m going alone. There are lots of things you can enjoy here, honey, you are in Venice”

I rolled my eyes again and didn’t share any other word. I stood up and walked out the room

“Don’t be mad, Beatrice. You know I am a busy guy”

“This is our honeymoon, for God’s sake!” She yelled “You could at least make an effort.”

He sat in front of the computer “I’m making an effort”

“Clearly” I sighed “Whatever, Derek”

He was frowning, his expression getting mad, in front of his laptop “Have you been messing with my laptop?!”

My eyes widened “Are you bloody crazy? Why would I do that?” I looked at him “Well, thinking better I might go to Facebook and try to search for some nice Italian guy to make me company on my honeymoon!”

He stood up, angry. I had never seen him like this. He approached me “You will stay here. I am going to do my job, and you will be here when I return. End of story”

“Go to hell, Derek!” I walked to my wardrobe, starting to change my clothes

“What the hell are you doing?!”

“I’m going out! I’m sick of sharing space with you”

He approached me, his hands tightening against my wrists. He pushed me against the wardrobe and, behind me, he started to rub himself against my butt.

“You will not go anywhere. You will stay here and please your man, during the night”

“You’re being disgusting, Derek. Let go of me!”

He wouldn’t have stopped, if there wasn’t someone knocking at our door.

“Who is it?!” I immediately said, eager to release myself from his grip.

“I’ll get you in a moment” He furiously let go of me and walked to the door. I walked slowly behind him, a little scared

“Mr. Williams!” An Italian man with a funny accent spoke “I bring you the champagne here! Delizia!”

“I didn’t order anything!” Derek yelled

“Excuse me sir, but we received a call”

“F*ck off!”

“Derek!” I put a smile on my face “Is that a way of treating our servants?!” I walked to the man, on the other side of the door and turned to him “Could you open the champagne for my husband, sir?”

“Of course, signora!

I took the chance the man got between me and Derek to run outside the room. “BEATRICE!” I heard him yelling and coming after me.

I was scared, he was never aggressive to me, I don’t know what got into him.

I furiously hit the elevator buttons as I could sense him running after me

“C’mon, c’mon!” I said, stressful

“Come” I heard a voice coming out of nowhere, grabbing me and pushing me out of there, quickly yet gently.

“Robert?” I already knew that amazing smell

“I believe I told you the elevator buttons don’t like violence?” He smirked at me

An instant smile appeared on my lips “what are you doing?”

“Was your husband ever violent to you?” He looked at me seriously, entering a room.

I deduced it was his

“BEATRICE!” I could still listen to Derek yelling outside

“Just today…” I whispered

“Then... it is better to wait until he’s calm before facing him, don’t you think?” He smiled at me, making me weak in the knees


I looked at him, speechless

He chuckled “Do not worry though. You can be comfortable” He approached “I am not going to do anything. If that is what you think”

“Oh… uhh… I’m sorry it’s just… you know…”

“Yeah, I know.” He smirked “You can stay on my bed. I will take the couch, mia bella signora”  

I smiled at him.

Gosh. He is trouble.

I know he is.

But who cares when I have someone like Derek?

I’m taking his offer.



Here's a little something!

Hope you like it!



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