Part I - Chapter Six

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I sometimes enjoyed the way Alphas acted around me, they sometimes looked like they were constipated but really it was them being uncomfortable. Perhaps it was because they didn't know why I was here or what they might accidentally let loose that I would report back.

Alphas don't like sanctions or penalties from the Enforcers.

I was currently sitting in the Alpha's office, on his couch playing with a pen I had found, as he spoke to Lachlan. I was a few metres away from them, but both of them kept glancing at me every now and then.

They were still making small talk about the weather, the cricket and their weekend plans. Surely they were going to talk about something else?

"Look you lot," I said putting the pen down, "I'm not going anywhere, so you might as well just speak your minds and get this over with," I said after getting sick of them talking about which cricket team will win the world cup. Who cares?

Damien narrowed his eyes at me, "We are waiting for Alpha Smith."

Alpha's didn't refer to each other by their title, but Damien highlighting the titles was clearly for me to know who I was speaking with and not to lose respect. I sighed slouching on the couch getting settled for more cricket talk.

Thankfully Smith and Hercules walked in, both of them looking at me and nodding before going to sit around the table.

I could see them all from here, I always did get the best seats in the house.

I listened to their conversation, trying not to fall asleep – man Damien's furniture was comfortable. They were probably doing this on purpose, pleasantries to make me get bored and leave, which I was about to, as they talked about their journey here. Who cares how their journey here was? They went around in a circle, explaining what their journey was like.

I snorted.

"Does anyone want to ask me about my trip?" I asked.

They all turned to look at me, judging by their gaze, no one cared about my trip. Shame for them because it was super entertaining and now they weren't going to find out.

Damien narrowed his eyes, keeping them locked with mine before they went back to chit chatting. I went back to playing with the pen, still paying attention to their voices.

They spoke for another ten minutes till Damien mentioned something that caught my attention, rogues.

"The rogues have created a mini pack, but without calling themselves that, they want to become allies," Damien said. I was confused, rogues wanted allies?

That made no sense because rogues hated packs, they would never become a pack let alone try and become allies with a pack. Becoming a pack means that they would need an Alpha to rule them, and then rogues hated having orders from Alphas, so how were they exactly going to become a pack?

It just seemed like a contradicting thing, for example if they even have a group of five rogues, someone had to be the leader to tell them what to do, but that was generally the reason they were solo because they don't like taking orders.

If they were going to act like a pack then they needed to register themselves as one.

"Are you going to become their ally?" Lachlan asked, earning a soft growl from Damien.

"Of course not!"

Good, I was pretty sure Damien hated rogues as much as everyone else. They weren't like a lone wolf, no, rogues always wanted to cause something.

If Damien said yes, I was one phone call away from reporting it.

I was pretty sure if he said yes I was one phone call away from calling an Enforcer army.

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