Part 2 - Chapter Twenty Three

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"So what do we know about Catherin?"

"Not much, she's actually a lone-wolf as per our systems," I said as I scrolled down on the page. Cameron was sitting across from me on the bed, looking at the name I had found.

"Not a rogue?"

"No history of that, she became a lone wolf after leaving her pack, and then she met Caine a few months ago and now she's a luna of a pack. It doesn't seem like she's up to anything." I shrugged, "who knows why the Enforcer had her name."

"So what do we do?" Cameron asked sitting up.

I closed the lid of my laptop, "well I sent all the documentation in already about our stay here, I don't think the killing machine pack is true. I've seen documentation from Marcus about the previous Alpha's and most of the pack members are the same. They had a 45 per cent increase in new pack members due to them rescuing rogues but that's ok as they have already submitted paperwork when they had joined the pack. I guess we can go, but we need to check for cabins in National Parks, did you do that?"

"Yeah, there is only one that would be a ten kilometre radius from Alpha Ryder's territory. The others would be way too far."

"Great." I said looking at the time, it was nearly ten at night.

"I guess we can go tomorrow?" I suggested. Cameron nodded, "I think so, if we can get something by tomorrow we can leave by Saturday. Thank god, I was freezing in this damn town."

I hummed a response as I leaned down on the bed, for some reason, I felt a little tiny bit bad about leaving.

* **

Cameron and I had gotten up at the six in the morning, we wanted to leave as early as we could so we could so we had enough time to get to the cabin, which was an hour away with a mix of car and by foot.

"Are you ready?" Cameron asked as he pushed the bedroom door open walking in.

"Just one moment." I said slipping on my belt. We didn't know what we were going to find, but if we did find someone I wanted to be ready.

I grabbed my gun tucking it into the waistband of my pants as I followed Hercules down.

I was glad to see a balck jeep ready for us outside, thankfully Marcus didn't forget to arrange for it.

"I'll drive." Cameron said and I grabbed the GPS from him setting it up. We were going well for time as we hit the pack border, where there were a bunch of wolves, their dark fur making them blend into the night. They paused as we got out and I recognised one as Feoras.

They didn't stop us, but they watched as we crossed over an imaginary line that no longer belonged to us.

"Keys are in the ignition but we need it on the way back so don't take it!" I yelled over my shoulder.

"Come on Hill," Cameron yelled over his shoulder as he broke into a run. I turned around joining him, catching up to him easy as he held his GPS. It was a twenty minute run to the cabin and with the weather warming up, most of the snow had melted which made it easier for us to make up for time.

The National Forest was shielded by a fence that had electricity running through it.

"You got this?" I asked. Cameron nodded, taking out his equipment, and I waited as he got to work. He neutralized the electrical current so it gave us just enough time to climb over the fence. The only other way was to run around for the opening, which wasn't protected since there was a dangerous lake with the current too strong. However, wolves could get across it easy, but it meant wasting another half an hour running towards it.

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