Part 3 - Chapter Thirty

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Just when things were looking up is when I should have realised not to let my guard down.

"What do you mean you can't find him?" I asked, how can you lose a child?

"I thought he was with you both." my mother said, her green eyes only showing concern now that Hercules and I had returned from our walk without Noel. We were only gone for twenty minutes, what could have happened in this time.

"I checked the barn and he's not there," Cameron said, rushing into the kitchen where we were all gathered up.

"Is he with dad?" I asked, "call him and ask."

"I did, he went to the market to get stuff and he's not picking up the phone."

There was a feeling of dread filling up the inside of me as I looked at Cameron who was probably thinking the same thing I was. I still didn't want to tell my mother why we were really here, about the threat because all she would do was worry even more.

"I'm sure he's with dad. We'll have another look." I said signalling for Cameron to meet me outside.

Once the three of us were far away from mother and her hearing abilities I spoke.

"Is this Lionel?"

"Probably," Cameron said, "He's the only one still alive." before he turned to look at Hercules, "Unless you know something about it." he said.

I could feel Hercules stiffen next to me, "Why would I know something about it?"

Cameron then looked at me, confused, as his green eyes narrowed, "Why didn't you tell him?" he asked.

Now both of them were staring at me and I shifted on my feet, "Because I know the truth, she's dead. I don't know where you got your intel from Cameron, but I don't think Hercules would have met her, right?" I said looking at him.

"Meet who, neither of you are making sense right now." Hercules commented.

"I'm going to go check the barn again, you both can look elsewhere." Cameron said before rushing off in that direction.

"What is he talking about Gia?" Hercules stood in front of me, as I sighed, shrugging my shoulders.

"When we came to Damien's pack and you all were there, we wanted to know why? During that investigation we got intel that you visited Catherin, but that can't be true because she's dead. So I never bothered to ask you." I knew in my bones and heart that she was dead. There was no way you could stitch her head back on when she was in wolf form and expect her to life.

There was just no way.

But the way Hercules was staring at me started giving me doubts "Did her?" I asked. I couldn't even phantom how that was possible if he said yes, but thankfully he shook his head.

"I have no idea what you are talking about. I didn't visit her, she's dead. Who gave you this intel?" he asked.

I shrugged, "I'm not sure Cameron got it from somewhere. I didn't bother asking you because I thought you would most likely tell me if you did...or maybe not I'm not sure she is your cousin's mate after all. I didn't want to risk asking you and having you lie to me to protect Caine."

Hercules reached for my arms, holding them till I met his intense gaze, "I would never lie to you Gia, you come first, everytime." he said, "Except now, let's go find Noel."

There were more important things than trying to figure out where the incorrect intel came from, why would someone send that through to Cameron and me?

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