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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 49-

After getting hugged by Ino and all the girls, Hinata sat as they conversed. She loved these people... way too much. Much further out in the distance, Karui's daughter and Amarante embraced, squealing about something.

"That's a cool tower you got there," Benjiro said to Mirai, away from his siblings.

Mirai, who was grown with the fruits of Asuma's chaotic hair and Kurenai's scarlet eyes, pulled Benjiro down and they were instant friends.

"That's my Ka-san. She buys me blocks." Benjiro pointed to Hinata.

"Oh. I dunno who she is." Mirai smiled.

Hinata looked away quickly. She deserved that...

Taiyo sighed beside a boy with pineapple hair, sitting down and eating.

All around her, there were flowers, her favourite foods, tomatoes and lots of beer and wine. The men and women segregated, naturally. The women went into the living room while all of their men settled around the balcony.

Hinata leaned against the snack table. It felt good to be there.

Kiba came up to her and she smiled. Instead of smiling, Kiba peered closely at her face. So much so that she got self-conscious.

"Here- a hair's stuck to your lip..." Kiba said, wiping away a hair on the side of her cheek.

Kiba froze and shoved his hand in his pocket. Hinata chose to ignore that.

"Did you guys plan this?" Hinata asked, clearing her throat from the ackwardness. "It's so elaborate. You guys even got cinnamon buns!"

Kiba nodded proudly."Yeah. Enjoy the party. We've all got kids and work and people to save. It's hard to get the gang all together like this," Kiba said.

Hinata widened her eyes. "I didn't want to... intrude-"

"Nah. You're more important than intruders. You're one of us and we take care of our own. And now I have another lovely lady to help babysit my pups when Akamaru isn't around. That Makoto..."

Kiba has kids too? Wow. They're so grown up. Talking about kids would have been too embarrassing years ago... Her jaw's on the floor. And Makoto's already showing off her cat to Hiromitsu.

Taiyo grumbled, "Turtles are better."

"Yeah. Mako-chan's cute, isn't she?" Kiba barked his laughter.

"She's beautiful," Hinata smiled.

Upon seeing Hinata watching the child, Mako gave Hinata a huge hug.

Hinata was shocked.

A baby dog, the size of a book laid comfortably on her tufts of honey blonde hair and a cat was at her feet. She ran away quickly after waving at her father.

"She's the only Inuzuka who has both a dog and cat life companion. Her mother was a cat breeder... Her family used to care for the cat-summons of the Uchiha..." Kiba explained. "So weird. Cats and dogs- kind of like you and Sasuke or you're the moon and he's a tramp."

Hinata flushed. "You- don't have to be so nice..."

He gave a half shrug. "We've told her stories about you. She's your favourite... She wants to be just like you," Kiba whispered. "Er, the old you..."

Hm... That was a little backhanded but she nudged him. "I'm confident you'll like the new me if you tried..."

Mako shouldn't know Hinata's name with how she treated Kiba... She forgot about their friendship and only, solely focused on Sakura and Ino. She made a lot of mistakes with all of them. However, she was willing to make it all better.

Sweet Dispositions I: Kumogakure | SasuhinaWhere stories live. Discover now