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Sweet Dispositions

  -Chapter 39-


"Hinata got hurt," Naruto scoffed, anticipating an attack. "And I know everything there is to know, you killed one of my friends, Sakura's best friend, and Hiashi's daughter. You messed up her life! She was getting married, her job was taking off and you killed her!"

Sasuke felt every cell in his body lurch. He wanted to pound Naruto to the ground for his impudence. He is bold and daring. He should stop talking now. Or else.

Naruto looked up, mournful. It was the most depressed he's seen Naruto. "The worst thing about this is that you don't think you've done anything wrong,"

Sasuke just shook his head, feigning placidity. He lacked the proper energy for this. This was all draining. They're repeating history- sort of. A laugh dropped from his lips. This sadness- it made him laugh. Naruto wasn't happy about his newfound sense of humor.

"What the hell is so funny?!" Naruto shouted.

Sasuke laughed, tensed and mocking. "Here we are, almost ten years later, and we continue the cycle. We're still fighting over a girl," Sasuke chuckled. "However, you got dumber. That isn't what fucking happened,"

Naruto also had a sad, longing expression on his stupid face. "You haven't changed. Instead of hurting Sakura-chan, you treated Hinata like an object and threw her away like trash. I saw you in Konoha- you knocked out Hanabi and terrorized Kumo over causing the mudslides. And you've avoided the letters both Sakura-chan and I sent you. What's going on with you? How can I help you?"

What? She also sent letters? "Sakura didn't send any letters," Sasuke shook his head. "Stop sprouting lies,"

"They aren't lies. The first few letters were from the both of us before you ditched us to do Kami knows what. I heard about the Hyuuga attacking you. We all thought you were dead for half a year. And Sakura-chan..." Naruto faltered off at her name, having a lot of internal anguish. "Sakura-chan hasn't forgiven you for that. Kakashi sent teams out for you then you show up a year later, acting like you never fucking died. Heads up, teme, Sakura-chan doesn't know you killed Hinata's unborn child if she did, she would hate you like everyone does at the moment,"

"Get out of my face and walk away before I break your legs," Sasuke said. It now smelled like iron. He activated his sharingan and steadied his sword.

Naruto chuckled a bit. "I thought we were best friends. Brothers. We had a bond-"

The Chidori spilled from his right hand and threaded its way around the sword. "Don't ever say we have a bond. You killed it," Sasuke shrugged.

That made Naruto's chakra get darker and a vein pulsed on his forehead. "Don't say dumb stuff, Sasuke!" Naruto ordered. The kage bunshin beside him connected palms.

"Tch. Don't boss me around. We're nothing and that's your fault," Sasuke yelled across the dry terrain. "Don't play dumb, Naruto. You married Sakura. Don't call me out for shit when what you did is real and took place and is ten times worse?!"

"You killed a kid just because you didn't want to be a father. How low can you get?"

"I didn't kill her or a kid. I don't have to explain myself to you, anyway. Not you, not Sakura not her stupid friends or Kakashi," Sasuke yelled.

"I'm the reason the Hyuuga didn't declare a war on your ass and this is the thanks I get?" Naruto raised his voice.

"You married Sakura. You don't get anything except for silence," Sasuke said. "Don't act like she meant a spot of dirt to you, Naruto. You didn't care about the Hyuuga. You never have,"

Sweet Dispositions I: Kumogakure | SasuhinaWhere stories live. Discover now