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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 42-

Hinata came home with wine and a few cuts and scrapes. She said she had a scuffle with Ino. They mostly threw punches but Hinata punched her in the eye. Ino probably deserved it. Sasuke was proud but he hated when she got hurt.

Later on, they watched a movie and Hinata laughed so hard at a joke he told her. Recently, their connection has been vague but she still loves him. She reached out to him in her slumber.

Fuck Naruto. Sasuke is in pain because Naruto is a little shit. He can't sleep on his side, stomach or back because of him. The alcohol numbed some pain. But not all.

What the hell- all those damn Rasengan burnt off his skin. He should have used his damn rinnegan.

He's actually a changed man. He wanted peace then Naruto opened his mouth.

Sasuke has nicks and wounds all over. He didn't know why Naruto was bat-shit insane and began swinging. It's like he was getting penalized for something... he presumably did do.

He ought to bless Naruto because if it weren't for him... then he would have never spotted Hinata but also thanks to him, he's having quandaries with Sakura and Hinata.

He didn't know Sakura also co-authored the letters. He wouldn't have thrown them out so... often. They were plausibly all hauled into the deep ocean currents by a riptide or something. Maybe he should... have read them.

He saw her for the first time, again. It was like standing on a bed of nails. He has been meaning to talk to her for seven or eight years but he... hasn't. He didn't mean to trouble her. He laughed at the wrong things and said the wrong things. She looked torn.

He climbed out of bed, unable to sleep with these things going round in his mind.

"You messed up her life!"

"Sakura hasn't forgiven you!"

"She would hate you like everyone does,"

"He hates everyone so I hate him,"

"He's a felon,"

All of Naruto, Ino and Tenten's words resounded in his mind as he sat in the tiny walk-in closet, breathing hard. Hinata's clothes were hung up, the kid's stuff were there in bulging suitcases. He just paused there, encompassed by night and his thoughts.

He sat there for ampere-hours, meditating on those thoughts. Maybe he shouldn't have acted dead. Maybe he should have been a better person. He's no good at all. He's a liar and an outcast. Kami can't even save him.

Hinata trudged over to him, joining him with tired but tender sympathetic gazes. She didn't even say a word. He didn't think the lump in his throat would allow him to speak, otherwise. So a part of him was... grateful for the quiet.

She was half-lidded and tired, so she talked in a languid, unfocused way. "You okay?" she asked with a yawn.

She's so beautiful... so, fucking beautiful. He took a moment to admire the dark swoop of her long eyelashes. After staring, he shook his head.

She blinked her eyes at him then nodded. "Love, you want to talk about it?" she asked after shivering a bit.

He shook his head then looked back at the floor.

She gathered the swaying folds of her robe and just kissed his forehead. After a while of pressing their foreheads together, she left for a few minutes. Probably to bed.

Sweet Dispositions I: Kumogakure | SasuhinaWhere stories live. Discover now