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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 55-

"Doesn't that sound dangerous?" Hinata's eye twitched after half a night of discussion and planning. "You know, inhumane, almost."

Kabuto lifted a shoulder in a haggard way. "If there are sacrifices, let there be sacrifices."

Hinata and Kabuto had differing ideas on how to escape. 

Hinata wanted Kabuto to substitute Hinata's chakra-taking pills with something harmless until Hinata was fit to use her chakra. 

Hinata would gain her powers and leave with Kabuto by infiltrating a off-site pawn group when impersonating soldiers. Then she would go to Kakashi and they would return to retrieve the pawns who were kidnapped from their burning houses. 

The rest would go to jail.

Hinata knew it was safer but that meant Mitsuki would be left behind, the remaining pawns at the bases would be slaughtered by the thousands and Akuma would have enough time to flee with his artificial sharingans.

Kabuto wanted to burn incense that poisoned everyone, kill Akuma in his slumber, use the hidden wall bombs to start a fire and give Mitsuki and Hinata the anecdote when they ran from the fumes, the soot, smoke and the guilt.

He was less humane in his want to exterminate the whole area. That meant everyone had to die except for them three. She didn't want another massacre.

"I want to see them nothing more than burnt. Dead. Shriveled up. They are worthy sacrifices," Kabuto said nonchalantly. He just stated his true feelings.

"There are innocent people here. Victims like you and I!" Hinata hissed. "Don't you place value on their lives?"

"Most of all of us will die by Akuma's hand, insane plan or the war he caused. If we kill them, none of his ideals will spread and cause a national revolt."

"It's just wrong! Half of these people were kidnapped!" Hinata protested with a hiss.

"The other half wanted to be here to cause chaos!" Kabuto yelled.

Hinata couldn't bear to imagine the piles and piles of bodies... She couldn't. 

Hinata shoved the man's shoulder. "I won't help you escape if you burn these people," she grabbed the map. "One more word about killing them and I'll say goodbye to our map."

"What'd you say?" He shoved her back.

Hinata squared up and held the map in her hands. He tried to snatch it, to do something and take it but she was much too fast. She snatched it away until he got it. He held it above her head. Hinata glared at him. 

She couldn't play games right now! She had to stop him from committing another great atrocity.

She couldn't help but smother him in a murderous glance. He just wanted to ridicule her.

"Give it back," Hinata said loudly.

He shook his head. "All of this stuff you have isn't committed memory. It is to my memory. It is much too precious to be ripped because of an easy problem."

"This problem isn't easy!" Hinata growled. "Give me back the map."


They glared at each other and she stepped on his foot. His curling up motion forced him to drop the altitude of the map.

But he sensed what she was doing and purposely hid the map.

Kabuto was angry and spiteful. "They should all die! They deserve to die! You want to escape, don't you? Give in to reality. Don't swim in your deep sea of ignorance. Accept that there is no way to get out of this place without death and destruction and murder-"

Sweet Dispositions I: Kumogakure | SasuhinaWhere stories live. Discover now